
Did you really just compare that hack John Williams to two of histories most talented composers?

I believe KOTOR did as well, and that’s awesome.

Because I have been watching and playing Star Wars games since the original Star Wars arcade cabinet came out in the late 70’s, and I own all three soundtracks in multiple formats. I’m kind of bored of John Williams scores in general. And I welcome someone else taking a crack at some original material.


That music is almost 40 years old, can’t a Star Wars game use original music anymore?

2016? Wasn’t this game announced about three years ago? Damn.

I’m intrigued by the setting. That first establishing shot leads me to believe that this game (or at least this part of the game), takes place in some kind of Imperial colony in The Caribbean, or possibly South American type of climate. Looks like a pretty unique place. Action looks to be pulling in some of that more

You missed out. I rented it, beat it in a week, returned it. But I enjoyed every minute of it.

Holy shit, that was great! LOVE the return of visible enemy projectiles, health packs, item pick ups, that echo pick-up with the hologram, and the new twist on the keycard system was pretty morbid and funny. Very fluid movement, and nice conservative use of the slow-mo effect. Could do with more variety in chainsaw

Damn looks like Doom met Bulletstorm, and Dishonored at a bar, roofied them, had it’s way with both of them and this was the by-product.

Also that music was 100% classic Doom!!!

This is a newish Gawker sub-group, we’re all in the grey here.

Are you asking us if you are a huge loser who eats trash? I think only you have that answer.

This is a list of best fuck ups.


We’re probably pretty close to the same age, because my first memorable gaming memories were early Sierra Adventures as well. NES later.

Damn, dude Skyrim and FO3 look fantastic on my PC. Whatever, to each their own. I often forget that I’m playing a game when running around Skyrim. Especially with choice mods.

Pizza Hut is pretty much terrible now.

This is something that has happened since the 80’s. When I was a kid playing Choplifter and Starblazer on my dads Apple II+, I would always run into older dudes at the Arcade bragging about being a pong champion or having the best Pinball score back in the day. Everyone feels a need to peacock at their younger

I rent every tentpole game, just to get the 5 hours of SP gameplay out of it. I can barely remember the plot points and levels between the past three or four CoD games lol.

Neither series went terrible, stop exaggerating.