this is hardly a new practice.
this is hardly a new practice.
They even remembered Vyse and crew!
And he truly loved and cared about Cinema, he was just terrible at every aspect of it. Uwe Boll loves $, and he hates movies.
The flying money made me spit out my 5-hour energy drink. lol. And that gunfight, he obviously picked up some heavy armor from the Ammu-Nation.
But if he is using a custom avatar, then this must be GTAO. So it feels kind of unauthentic without at least two 12 year olds screaming at store clerks on their mic, and two…
I was not aware they had multiple branches lol. I think Tommy Wisseau is a bit like Ed Wood actually. Oh hai, Uwe.
Stop insulting Ed Wood like that!
Asylum makes knock-off’s of big budget movies, that’s quite different from Ed Wood. Not to say those Asylum flicks aren’t groaners, but Ed Wood at least made original (terrible) films. Troma however is dead on.
Don’t insult Ed Wood like that!
Thankfully if he keeps failing to make movies, Uwe Boll will become a footnote in cinematic history. Our children’s children will hear his name and shrug their shoulders, blissfully unaware of the misery they have avoided their whole lives.
San Fierro!!! A more “to scale” version of SF would be so insanely fun to drive around in. Even Driv3r, failed to get SF right, everything felt so compacted.
GTA Tokyo would be pretty sick. Did you ever play “The Getaway”? The Guy Ritchie inspired GTA clone. It had some terrible problems, and the car chases were a little too realistic (you could lose an axel by going over a speed bump at high speeds lol. But it had some pretty cool features, a decent story, and a map that…
That’s funny, because on my copy of GTAV, I can log in, and drive around wreaking havoc just like I could in EVERY SINGLE PREVIOUS GTA game. If you don’t care for the missions, don’t play them. Simple as that. You can even go to all parts of the map at the very beginning of the game. You know which games didn’t let…
Even WITH the Konami Code and two players, this game was no walk in the park.
Godzilla ‘89 was one of the worst pieces of shit I ever played as a kid.
How was it? I love that directors other films, so I am highly curious.
I haven’t read the books, or played III yet, but I thought all Witchers were mutants once they go through the Witcher training? Anyways, mutant or not... I’d hit it.
It needs to be programmed so the projectiles use similar physics to the grenade launcher rounds. Arcing down over time as they are fired.
How strange that she doesn’t look exactly like a completely fictional mutant hybrid human. smh.
But where are all of the dicks?
Yeah man, literally every year there are competing movies with almost identical settings/premises.