
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.“

Ok I pooped a little. I love how colorful the post-apocalypse is in this one.

“This is a dude who, 700 years ago, totally ravaged China, and who, we were told, 2 hours ago, totally ravaged Oshman’s Sporting Goods.”

Amen, that is my weapon of choice in games that feature it. :)

Nothing beats that accuracy while under a high rate of fire

You know in Astoria, Oregon this year they are doing a Goonies Festival for the 30th anniversary?

Wow that dev written description is terrible. Who edited that shit? Is English their native tongue? And wtf kind of humans have cold blood?

Oh of course. I didn’t just stumble into my current job. I’ve got 15+ years of experience. And I I made sure to ask for enough to cover my cost of living. BTW - I did one of these AMA’s last year on Kotaku, so it’s been pretty fascinating comparing notes between the two.

I think these

‘97 here. I totally agree with everything you are saying in all of these replies. Did you ever get burned out though, I’m curious? I had a stretch of burnout around year 7. I left QA for a good year and a half. But somehow I always get pulled back into it.

I think it may be a regional and or studio thing. Mobile contracting... yeah that pays pretty close to the same rates. I guess I got really lucky and landed a F/T gig a few years ago. Still doesn’t pay remotely close to what business application testing makes. For some reason i thought mobile hired F/T more than

Why are you testing console games? You do know that mobile companies pay like twice the base pay right?

It bothers me that video games from 2011 get titled “classic” these days lol.

Fair enough. I think I got overhyped for it, probably why I was so let down. The trailer looked incredible, like Street Trash meets The Executioner. But the end result was not at all what I was hoping for.

Dope, thanks! :)

What about that new Adam Sandler movie that looked so bad, I forgot its title?

Yeah, I have a project involved in that scene ;)

I can’t make it past 8 minutes. I really tried.

No, this “movie” is just not funny. 80’s or not.

Blood Dragon nailed the early morning 80’s action cartoon thing perfectly. But I felt like from the trailers for this, that it would be like one long, forced homage to everything and then some.

Did you see Hobo With a Shotgun? GREAT TRAILER!!!! It looks awesome, TERRIBAD movie. One of the most boring and pandering

Been gaming for about 34 of the 38 years I’ve lived. Only time I broke a system, was on accident. 360 RROD due to over loading it with Dark Souls hours, and my PC in 2011 melted, due to overheating from Skyrim at ultra settings for days at a time lol.