@Ashinigami: Yeah, I'm sure they were pretty disappointed they didn't get to slap anyone around and then go do a press conference about how heroic they were. Back to writing chicken-shit parking tickets, boys.
@Ashinigami: Yeah, I'm sure they were pretty disappointed they didn't get to slap anyone around and then go do a press conference about how heroic they were. Back to writing chicken-shit parking tickets, boys.
I bet sales just increased ten-fold.
I'm guessing she did it because Madonna already did it first about 15 years before her? You know, like everything else she does.
@CBR2200: You have to remember that watching other people drive cars dangerously is totally badass and cool, not to mention sweet, and you should never let a little reckless endangerment get in the way of a kickass good time. Peace bro, or whatever people with ridiculously placed piercings say.
@Kuro: Agreed 100%.
She's 3, and Amanda Jones doesn't think she'll remember this? The wiring of her brain became farked the moment it happened, and whether she remembers the events in visual form or not, she'll never be the same.
@Demon-Xanth: Colombia
I like a real OS, not to mention one I'm extremely familiar with and can do whatever I want with. Win7 slate for sure.
The rich keep getting richer, except for when one of their own screws them up the rear.
Lies. If so, it would no longer be a Corvette.
@kingblind1: I was about to say the same. I have some 2" Hi-Vi drivers in mini cabinets, and even at that tiny size, they sound pretty decent.
Sweet. More cycling-related posts, plz.
Why is this showing up again in my feed today??
I feel like I lost a few IQ points just listening to his accent.
Anyone who can piss off Führer Jobs that badly gets my vote.
Everyone knows fixie riders are thieves.
@OneTrickPony: Here's a Kleenex... go blow your nose and then eat some Jell-O.
@HiramJahoovafat: probably about 700mph.
Whatever. My Civic can do 1004mph in 39 seconds, so this isn't very impressive.