
meh, boring.

Sandboxie can sandbox all your browsers and any other programs you want, and it's only $20 or so.

Nothing will happen.

@Volanova: correct. In fact, most of it is well under the surface of the water. Notice, too, anytime an article is out about the so-called garbage patch, they use a photo of some 3rd-world nation's nearby riverbed full of garbage. To someone who doesn't bother reading the title under the photo, it appears as though

Everyone is pink and gooey on the inside, so screw skin color. If you want to study sub-cultures other than your own, go for it, but that still has little to do with skin color.

The F50 was considered a failure because it couldn't even hit 200mph (according to Car & Driver, who got a hold of one from a private owner when Ferrari wouldn't cough one up). It's one of my favorites, but people who can actually afford one don't seem to care for it.

Wow, look how happy Sony's new line of cameras make those people!! I'm gonna have to go buy one so I can be happy, too. :O

I'm so glad Adam's show is back as a podcast. I've been listening everyday for the past month or so, and also downloading archived Loveline episodes. The man is a genius.

Meh. ALL fireworks are illegal in my city, but the cops do very little about enforcement, so I have to listen to that sh*t all night while I try to sleep, anywhere from June 15 to July 15.

Methuselah was the oldest documented at 969, so nice try, old lady.

I don't see the point in the extra carbonation. Just give me near-lethal doses of caffeine and I'm happy.

My 1995 Civic hatchback (RIP) would have been a perfect project car for the Busa engine, especially in V8 form: [www.h1v8.com]

I like how the guy asked how he could more easily buy a bumper case, and Steve just ignored him and made a comment about the reception instead.

You'd sell twice as many t-shirts at $18 than $25.

I preferred the tags to be in a vertical list form. Other than that, it seems alright.

WTF, this video is private??

Too big.

Absolutely worth it.

I'd gladly take it without the ugly bodywork "enchancements".