
Yeah, that's the one. '02 thru '05 EP3 Civic Si w/ the funky dash shifter.

I could slap a hybrid badge on my 2002 Si, and most people would be fooled. I've been questioned plenty of times by people who thought it was the original Insight or some other hybrid Honda. I take great joy in letting them know it's the biggest fuel burning Civic that there ever was.

A corvette that I could throw my road bike and a weekend's worth of luggage in? Yes, I'd buy it.

Stance it, by lowering it to the point of absurdity. Also, relocating the licence plate for no good reason.

The best sounding engine is mine, when it starts on a freezing cold morning.

I took a 5lb sledge hammer to a Motorola Surfboard modem about 6 years ago. Can't say I regret it one bit.

Wow, Ferrari seems to be turning into the Apple of car makers. Although, for it to be a truly fair analogy, iPhones would have to begin randomly setting themselves on fire.

Yeah, the Ferrari fire thing is the one thing that'd have me most concerned.

At $10 quoted price, my old LG Android phone is far more valuable to me as a secondary media player that I don't mind getting hurt.

Do you mean "who rides a steel frame in 2012"? If so, I do (I also ride full carbon and aluminum frames). Steel is still incredibly popular due to the low cost, strength, and awesome ride characteristics.

As many cycling-related blog posts as you guys do, have you considered starting a Gawker cycling blog?

It seems every other version of Windows sucks: ME and Vista to name the two most recent; while 98, XP, and Win7 were all more or less very good. Assuming the pattern still applies, Win8 is going to be a pile of crap.

Yep, that's my plan, as well. It runs perfectly for me on all my machines, and the UI is basically what I've been used to since the 90s.

No, it should read: Daylight Saving starts Saturday night

"axtually" it sounds like you may already be drinking, too.

No, they're awesome, and the fact that the line is always 30-40 people long at all times of the day, is testament to that. The author just decided he doesn't like them for whatever reason, but have one for yourself before you believe him.

Chipotle burritos are wonderful. Perhaps you've just never built one up properly.

24mm isn't very wide, and 1,000mm isn't very useful. Why not focus their efforts on much better wide angle, and a reasonable—say 350mm to 500mm—zoom?

B.S., I've been doing this for years. Walk into a room full of girls, BAM, invisible.

I agree with everything I see here.