
Looks stupid. I'd have to see it with paint to give it a fair assessment, but I'm pretty sure I won't change my mind.

Whayle, yeehaw! Ah tale you whut...

I use WindowBlinds and it has that option. I don't use it though... instead, I set right-clicking to minimize the window so I don't have to click on that tiny _ button anymore.

It seems broken. I've tried it with FF 3.0.7 and IE7, and I never get a PDF out of it. It basically just runs for a while, then stops, so I'll try it later.

Doesn't look any worse than the Reventon.

I either use Flickr or the server I run my site on.

@whereisian: I agree. It quickly became YouTube-esque in its comment section. However, I occasionally find links on there that I miss elsewhere, so it's worth a look every day or so.

We already know they exist. A few less newpaper, magazine and TV ads, not to mention flash animations and whatever else they waste money on, won't hurt them any.

I wonder why they're fat.

Hot car, love it. Oh, but those wheels gotsta go!

I use this and love it.

I like the 370Z in profile:

I use Google Maps exclusively. I also have it on my Centro.

Not only did it not work for me, but after I uninstalled it, ads were all over the place. I uninstalled and re-installed ABP numerous times, along with my usual subscriptions, and I still have ads everywhere. Thanks for f'ing nothing!!

I "get" Top Gear, and it's my favorite show to watch. I just don't want to watch the American version.

My Google Reader turned out looking nothing like the photo above. Pass.

I was in a bad car wreck in 2005 because a construction zone wasn't properly marked. It was dark out, the closed lane was still open (hadn't been roped off properly when the crews went home that night), and nothing was lit. I broke my nose (no biggie) and totaled by baby. So, I see how not informing drivers to a

@Cognitive Friction: The letter says "produced by your firm," not, "built under your leadership."

Best line:

Video = yawn.