
$3,800-brick Death Star?

"...you don't want the battery drained like a fumbled can of Coke at a fat kids' camp."

@locust76: For the record, I was being facetious. And thanks for first presuming what I meant, and then predicting my future response. You are one true oracle. Guess what I'm thinking now.

And this is sad... someone was camped out waiting for someone to be camped out for the iPhone, so they could get the story. I hope it wasn't you, Rosa!

@myfriendtheZebra: I see that now... and it's a good point. I just read it the wrong way.

Please, everyone, calm down Obama said 90% would be stopped in a few days. He said it from the Oval Office. He has very smart people who don't trust the oil companies working for him. It will be OK. Go back to sleep.

@negative13: Good points. I really am not trying to criticize. Didn't impact the work for me.

Instead of the RROD, it simply bursts into flames.

@Koda89: I think the real question is how do Wii owners know they're system isn't working, since most of them no longer even turn them on?

I'm surprised they didn't paint it to look like this.

3D pixels are actually called 'voxels', and yeah, I don't understand why he didn't use Legos. I suppose it's a bit more impressive, but dude.

@bustedchain: Pretty sure that's not the biggest flaw in my logic...

How much gas is required to run the machines? If they could power themselves from the recovered oil, they could be built self-contained and automated. Like Roombas for the Gulf.

@RockstarAgent: I was once told, "If it's not tedious, it's not animation." I am a professional animator and this is great. And this guy is probably one too.. and making money. Don't dis him because he's not flipping burgers like you.

@Eulatos: I moved into an apartment building and was surrounded literally by hundreds of wireless devices. My wireless router was brought to a halt. A little research and I learned that if you limit the devices your router can listen for, it's like clearing the room of all the other noise. I did it, (MAC filtered

Probably wouldn't happen if they enabled MAC filtering. Router should ignore all other devices but the one being demo'd. Etiher that, or an EMP blast just prior to the event.

h.264 is not an open standard.

@minibeardeath: Yeah, but Microsoft is aggregating data too. I want to virtualize myself, the same way you can have a virtual machine on your PC. That way you could have a buffer against the cloud. Could be a business idea here...