
@deafblindmute: I think you are misinformed, to say the least.

@deafblindmute: This isn't capitalism. It is the government deciding to built stuff people don't want or can't afford. Capitalism is how you prevent this.

What's the problem?

Could have been worse. Could have been a double rainbow of death,

@yanipheonu: But the PSP technology is over 5 years old!

@ParryLost: So, who gets to decide that lower energy consumption is more important than the environmental impact of added mercury? Scientists? Doubtful. Politicians? Maybe. Lobbyists? Now you're getting it.

@ParryLost: Or leave that money in the pocket of the consumer, stop passing legislation that limits the ability of workers to earn a living, and let the market figure out that CFLs cost less to run, thus THEY decide what to buy. Do you honestly think government interference is the answer?

@ParryLost: The government will not solve this problem for you (sorry!) ...without causing 3 more in the process. History bears this out.

@ParryLost: No, I was referring to the mandate congress passed banning incandescents by 2014. People complain that the free market doesn't work, but the truth is it doesn't work when the government saddles it with arbitrary legislation that does little more than make a portion of their electorate feel good. If CFLs

@ParryLost: Did you miss the point where our inability to compete came from the government, and not from the marketplace? Also, it is currently impossible to recycle CFLs due to their high mercury content. But don't worry, I'm sure the government will figure that one out too, without TOO many unintended

@unibrow4o9: No... I like my job. But what passes for journalism on this site is a joke sometimes. Not to mention, about half a dozen commenters have already made this joke.

Is this an article? Do you get paid to do this?

@vinod1978: "Unless you have an excess amount of fingers available to you, and you don't hold it with a death grip you won't have an issue"

@rhoderickj: Thanks. Wikipedia'd the shit outta that. Sounds like they were describing Gizmodo.