
@Cheetoh: But the battery power of the Kindle means you can be away from a car, a plane, a bus, for days at a time. iPad, you have less than half a day at best. Doesn't matter, if you want to read a novel on an iPad, you need to be indoors anyways. Plenty of outlets available.

@pixelsnader: Agree... the felt should be inside to protect the screen. Nice design, though.

I was listening to the game on the radio and I had to turn it off. You literally could not hear the announcers, so what's the point for a radio broadcast?

@Cheetoh: Not in daylight. And the Kindle battery is measured in days or weeks, not hours. So there is still a market for people who want to read that the iPad hasn't serviced.

@thetunecatt: Not tailored towards phones, tailored towards certain iPhones that aren't even available yet. Yeah, there's a standard I can get behind.

I think something like this, that could be tethered to your cellphone and relay game data back to your console(s), would be hot. Kinda like the nerf guns with actual score keeping, rankings, etc. Tie it also to GPS so you could track targets across the city... damn, I should be running ubiSoft. Also, add hitlists

@erichg14: Most likely to save space and reduce costs. Those also ran hot, so they're probably eliminating RROD problems. Doesn't excuse the original design, though.

@geolemon: It's interesting that you mentioned Chevrolet, because I think it looks like a tailfin from a '57 Chevy, or early 60's Cadillac. Which is to say, awesome.

No no no! Facetime! Steve said Facetime! Gizmodo has already made it a standard, but only for phones that don't exist. Facetime!

@gstatty: "they could totally compete with google and apple tv."

@vinod1978: And Facetime isn't even a standard at all, or a usable product, or anything. It *may* be open, but Steve's definition of 'open' seems to wander all over the place. Maybe Skype isn't the answer, but there isn't a single argument that supports Facetime. And yet the author of this article thinks it's the

@vinod1978: It's taken off, just not in this country. Nokia has a massive following worldwide. It's just ironic that we had to wait for a 'smart' phone in the US for a feature that most people were enjoying through their 'dumb' phones everywhere else.

@samuelsamm: Exactly. Apples installed base, as it relates to this argument, is nothing.

If this is a tray and not slot loaded, how do you insert the disk sideways? Seems like it would just slide off the tray. I don't have a 360, so forgive me if this is a dumb question.

That Golden Shower product looks amazing!

@acidrain69: "Signal is managed by the government".

@matteric: I appreciate the tone and reasoning of your argument. However, you cannot ignore the facts. AM talk radio has been a thorn in the side of liberal progressives for many years. Just as network news and the print media have been for the conservatives. These conservative, mostly talk-format stations are