And I said to myself, this is the business we’ve chosen; I didn’t ask who gave the order.
And I said to myself, this is the business we’ve chosen; I didn’t ask who gave the order.
IKEA is easy.
There’s never a bad reason to do the right thing.
Well, we not only know what you are and at what price.
Idris, Sidney Poitier doesn’t even have a son named Paul.
I once argued that Clinton has shown herself to be a poor electoral politician (though first-rate on experience and policy) by noting that she was outperformed by Al Gore in New York during her first senate run, which was against freaking Rick Lazio. You would have thought I suggested Hillary Clinton go make coffee…
I feel like I could have a beer with him. Or 17 plates of cut-rate prime rib at a Golden Corral.
Reg Dunlop: Remember that great Peterborough game in... ‘68?
Pro tip for Garrett Snider: When your bosses plant angel dust on you and give your job to some homeless guy, ask the hooker who looks like Jamie Lee Curtis for help. She’ll know what to do.
I don’t want harm to befall Kayne West either. But I am more concerned about the harm to literally millions of people by the unhinged, inhumane administration Kayne West is supporting. If Kayne’s mental health is collateral damage in the battle to undermine Trump, I’ll still sleep well at night.
You know who else was upset by a “lack of male energy”?
I don’t often defend white male baby boomers but when white male baby boomers went through this shit phase in the early 1990s they grew ponytails and cried around drum circles. It was stupid and awful but mostly harmless.
Why didn’t the maid have her Notary with her like Indiana Jones movie Nazi First Lady Melania Trump explained was to necessary in order for right-thinking, God-fearing ‘Mericans to #believethewomen.
You don’t “get” jokes, do you?
This. I can’t believe my elementary school teachers would even remember my name, never mind anything about my time in their classrooms way back then.
Do you think Trump gets upset when he has to take a smaller Air Force One?
There are some cultures, I believe mostly Middle Eastern cultures, in which the idea of a dog as a pet or service animal is considered unclean so members of those communities use minihorses as service animals instead of dogs.
Can Palin afford the paycut? Right-wing grifting pays a lot better than the U.S. Senate.
Kamala Harris for president. We need a black woman in power who is abundantly qualified for the office and doesn’t enable/promote the worst grifters among us for her own profit.
Say hi to your Dear Leader Putin for us!