F. Lee Baily's bartab

Add Deepak Chopra to the list of shitty men that are promoted/protected by Oprah Winfrey. Between “Dr.” Phil’s naked misogyny and Dr. Oz’s snake-oil peddling racket and now* Deepak getting handsy (never mind basically creating Jenny McCarthy as an anti-vax superstar) few people do more to help others do harm to women

And even Rockefeller signed truly awful drug laws when he was pushed by the right.

Take your God damn star. 

Like Auburn Hills. 

It’s not just that the Pistons are bad. It’s that hey are utterly hopeless. This current Pistons team has all the appeal of an extra dry sawdust enema.

Maybe his dad has told him some things.

An aspect of the Kanye West-Donald Trump thing that desperately needs to be scrutinized is the tax-dodge, err religious institution, run by West’s mother-in-law.

All day long nah.

That’s good news for vet tech and cosmetology schools in NHL cities.

So what you’re saying is your comment is about ethics is sports video game journalism?

The bit about Dr. Ford’s “civic duty” was needlessly pedantic. It was very clear from her remarks that her civic duty wasn’t about giving anyone “her body and her pain” so much as her saying that, despite her pain, she was speaking up to prevent Kavanaugh from inflicting even greater harm on even more people as a

+1 37-minute drum solo.

If I may quote hysterical southern belle Lindsey Graham, “speaking as a white male”...it’s really easy not to rape. Like it’s never been a problem for me. There’s no gray area about not committing sexual assault. No situations exist where a person might “accidentally” commit sexual assault and not mean it.

It’s like at one point will we recognize the real victims here: all the young boys who forced to grow up in a dystopian hellscape where they’re held accountable for sexual assault? At long last, when is enough enough with you broads? Excuse me, dames. I try to be respectful.

If Kellyanne Conway’s alleged abuser is nominated for the Supreme Court and Kellyanne Conway asks the Senate and the public at large to disregard his abuse of Kellyanne Conway when deliberating on his qualifications to serve on the Supreme Court, her opinions should be duly noted. 

We’re also going to need several pallets of Mackintosh candy bars to seal this deal. Probably some Coffee Crisps as well.

Did the Underwoods protect Nazis too?

Or, you know, we could work together to ensure society doesn’t disintegrate like a proper civilization. 

I figure if it came to dystopian hellscape that within 15 minutes half these preppers would be overtaken by ravaging hoards who slit their well-prepared throats before stealing the tomatoes and wheelbarrow of gold. 

Living in the United States in 2018, particularly if you are white and middle-class, is a soft existence relative to the whole of human history. We do not face the dangers and hardships that our ancestors, even just a century ago, dealt with in their day-to-day lives. We are a bored people. Whatever need exists within