Whoa, an NFL team doctor can diagnose a brain injury. Didn't think of ever see the day.
Whoa, an NFL team doctor can diagnose a brain injury. Didn't think of ever see the day.
Lions fan, fuck you.
the tumor is benign.
End Chain Migration!
Onions are just very complex sandwiches.
@mtv doesn’t want to talk about faith, show work ethic
She didn’t even care that she might get some of the little bones in her face broken.
Seems like you’re harping on minor details that Oliver’s team may not have got exactly right... rather than the point of the video
(Jesse Ventura famously attempted to begin unionizing wrestlers before WrestleMania 2, but Hulk Hogan tattled on him to McMahon and the whole thing was scuttled.)
anywhere from six to nine hours.
“(Jesse Ventura famously attempted to begin unionizing wrestlers before WrestleMania 2, but Hulk Hogan tattled on him to McMahon and the whole thing was scuttled.)“
She handled it with grace, too.
+2 Titles.
Toronto fans have such courage, my word
Why was he recruiting on Facebook? How did he have Facebook before 1988? I NEED TO KNOW
I get a feeling he knew this, because its obvious, but wanted to get his humble brag in there.
I do understand how having a child with severe autism is heartbreaking - it shatters the dreams many parents have for their kids. But the same is true of other conditions - hell, it’s even true when children are gay. I do wish people could realise when they decide to have children that they are signing up to love…
Or a deaf one!
You're mostly an OK commenter. The next time you tl;dr a post and then criticize it anyway, you're getting banned.