F. Lee Baily's bartab

Oh hey, Eric. Heard you have a big day coming up. Happy birthday!

This is the freedom my [INSERT DEAD RELATIVE HERE] died for. #RESPECT USA! USA! USA!

Hoodie. Check.

And the Trader Joe’s parking lot is a demolition derby of nearly-blind olds in Buicks and angry soccer moms in SUVs.

Ikea is easy. Their website will tell you the warehouse isle and bin you can find the stuff. Browse online, make a list, and skipping the showroom stupidity walk through the cash register stations directly into the warehouse and grab your shit. It’s maybe the best system of actually going to a store.

I have relatives in the 586. So yes, I’ve seen rust belt Trump voters up close and I’m quite confident they’re a bunch of dumb rednecks.

I’m sorry, did you not watch last week’s episode where the whole town go rid of the Amazon Echos so they could give the “economically anxious” rednecks jobs, at which point the head redneck was still super frustrated and finally said what was really on his mind—namely a whole lot of racist shit?

Supermarket marinara is trash by itself but a heartier meat sauce can totally work sans noodles. Leftover Foodspin ragu is great without noodles. Mix in some cheese and microwave it and you’ve got Italian chili. Or scoop it onto toast for a sauce sandwich.

I mostly agree with your analysis but the Alexa thing worked for me for two reasons:

1. It showed the rednecks can find a reason to be resentful about anything. They hate blacks and Mexicans, not because they are black and Mexican, but because they’re a convenient target.

2. It showed just how far “responsible” white

I thought it was because the butt of the joke wasn’t the rednecks so much as the kind of “respectable” white people represented by Randy, who had no problems with rednecks waving their confederate flags inside the house. The point was that most white people are more concerned with not being embarrassed by racists and

A sex worker with a single long-term client is still a sex worker. Although, Melania is birther trash.

With moxie like that, kid, you’ll go far here at Breitbart.

Antitrust exists to protect the consumer and, from the standpoint of a consumer, I’m perfectly fine with Amazon, Microsoft, and Google’s role in the marketplace. They are dominant because they give consumers what they want at a price they like. Economies exist to brings good and services to the marketplace, after all.

I make no moral distinction between the reasons for shifts in economic activity. The health insurance industry as we know is largely a creature of public policy, so if that public policy shifts to better provide care for Americans then I no more weep for the health care pencil pushers than the buggy whip makers. The

As a consumer and a taxpayer, I am really tired of the caterwauling about jobs every time we come up with a more efficient way to do something. My wife’s great aunt won’t shut up about ATMs are bad because they mean fewer bank teller jobs. She’s been on this hobby horse of 30 years apparently. More environmentally

I don’t know, on one side you have a pop music act appealing to garden variety adolescent angst. On the other you have a mentally unstable, unqualified racist president. Both sides are to blame. Clearly. Many, many sides.

Completely real. Tony Ortega tweeted screenshots of the passages in Dianetics.

Good on the ACLU. Sunlight is the best disinfectant. No one can deny the evil these people represent now. Just like when the Nazis marched in Skokie. There they were, we couldn’t hide from it.

Presidential pardon powers are basically absolute, so I guess if Trump wants to do this he can but it would create some awfully interesting legal precedents.

You would be if you just followed The Secret. And used Suzanne Sommers weirdo genitalia injections. And didn’t vaccinate your children like Jenny McCarthy and Holly Robinson Peete first told you not to do on Oprah’s show. And embraced homeopathy as legitimate medicine per Dr. Oz. And, oh Christ I can’t go on. Oprah