F. Lee Baily's bartab

You do know David Bowie committed statutory rape with a 14-year-old, right? Because that did really happen. Sorry, you all are still so “wrecked” by his death but he was also a shithead.

Also hating comic sans, even if the article’s assertions were true, doesn’t make someone an ablesist. I can and do hate comic sans but also be tolerant of a dyslexic person using it if it helps them overcome challenges in communicating.

This reminds me of Stephen Fry’s thought about people who claim to be shocked by swearing: “They’re only shocked on behalf of other people.”

Someone with an autoimmune disorder might have heard her and, because I assume people with autoimmune disorders have the delicate emotional balance of a two-year-old, I am shocked

Many, many people are saying that. Believe me.

Trump just says what everyday regular coal-minin’ ‘Mericans are thinkin’.

The only legit interview with Alex Jones is to, one by one, hold up pictures of the Sandy Hook victims and ask for his evidence that they are crisis actors pretending to be dead. And every time he blusters or tries to change the subject, the interviewer goes “ok, so you have no evidence that Jane Doe was a crisis

His great-grandfather, Ted Dalton, was one of the leaders of the Virginia GOP in the 1950s and 1960s when the party actively opposed the poll tax and massive resistance. It’s sad that such a legacy has been tarnished by this unrepentant douche.

Sean Elliott. If North Korea is anything like the Detroit Pistons, they’ll just trade back Elliott in nine months.

And he ordered a side salad? Like that guy is going to eat salad when pizza is available.

Every aunt on both sides of the family: So now that you’re married, when are you going to have children?

Couple: Trust the process.

A man she doesn’t like pays he to debase herself and she needs a shower afterward? Isn’t that the dictionary definition of a prostitute? Or at least a specific kind of prostitute.

How that story doesn’t end with “we learned later that mom gave everyone $20 each for buying our lemonade” is beyond me.

Have you ever met adolescents who had their life changed by Atlas Shrugged? That’s pretty pathetic.

The dude-bro version of Gwyneth Paltrow, this one. I wonder if he steams his scrot.

“American drug policy is fundamentally racist, counter-productive, and a threat to public health” AND “doing heroin is a great way to fuck up you life” aren’t incongruous thoughts.

Is the widdle vice-president being bullied? Does he need a safe space? Awww....poor widdle vice-president. Such a snowflake.

1. It’s not like the Republican Party just started “messing with [her] community” after the election after promising to support trans rights.

2. If the “dealbreaker” for Caitlyn Jenner is “messing with [her] community,” then it’s pretty clear she’s totally cool with Republicans (or any political party) messing with a

I have no fucks to give because pretty much everything that happens on reality tv is scripted in one form or another so it’s impossible for me to believe Zeke Smith wasn’t in on it from jump street.