F. Lee Baily's bartab

It seems like the pro-life position is pretty core to the ideology of The Blaze. It’s not a tangential matter for them in the way it might be for another conservative publication like National Review. It strikes me as perfectly reasonable that ideologically-based media organizations expect their editorial staff to

Caitlyn Jenner is stunning and beautiful, not Kendall Jenner. When you say a Jenner not named Caitlyn is stunning and beautiful, you are suggesting that Caitlyn Jenner is not stunning and beautiful which is wrong and microagressive. Caitlyn Jenner is stunning and beautiful. 

Get me a grape, or an orange, and none of that stinkin’ root beer!

Go eat a dick.

Because, like a stopped clock, Rick Snyder rightly scrapped Michigan’s film tax credit so Hollywood is look elsewhere steal from the commons. Also, Rick Snyder pretty much gutted the commons in Michigan, which is why the Flint Water Crisis happened in the first place, and there is a plan here that would allow

He called up a woman he had never met before to randomly ask her out on a date? Like a cold call telemarketer?

Hello, is this Emily..ugh sorry... Emma Thompson? Yes, well I’m calling from the Trump Organization to let you know about exciting opportunities available to you in dating Donald Trump. Can we schedule you

Now playing

She seems to be doing really well... Seems is the operative word. All these direct sales operations exist to separate fools from their money. The fools being “independent business owners” alienating their friends to sell this stuff. #GarageQualified

Bag person, please.

That’s true. Arthur ‘Two-Sheds’ Jackson has never protected child rapists as much as Paterno did that one day in 1976 when he told that kid to stop bothering him. 

Also something about “in this age of social media.”

My guess is he hears about how much he fucked up every time he’s on the phone with his old man.

My grandfather and his brothers built a small chain of car washes and thank God because it’s the only profession that celebrates what it means to live a life. 

Can we start calling her Bruce again? Not because I believe misgendering is appropriate generally, but because I’m tired of treating people respectfully who are so willfully disrespectful to the needs of others.

So had he shanked into a sand trap he might have turned down The Apprentice and we could’ve been spared this nightmare. Fuckityfuckfuckfuck.

Rocky is a very good movie that is diminished by its increasingly shitty sequels. However, I disagree that Network or All The President’s Men hasn’t held up. They’re both fantastic, still relevant films. And Taxi Driver, come on,

As long as I have been aware of award shows, which is probably about 30 years, the common opinion is they almost always get it wrong. Usually in a way that diminishes the artistic works of minorities and people of color. Although, even taking race out of the equation, you get Jethro Tull winning a Heavy Metal Grammy

I had a friend in Kindergarten named Dietrich. This was in the early 1980s. His parents were doctors who immigrated from Brazil shortly after he was born. I sometimes wonder what horrible crimes his grandparents must have committed.

Did you watch the news conference? There was piano muzak playing in the background. It seemed like he was announcing the new National Security Adviser in the atrium of a fancy mall. I wonder if they went to P.F. Chang’s for lunch after.

The Tea Party/Trump/Alt Right cult is just that. The shit these people are saying/believing would have seemed foreign to conservatives 15 years ago. Not foreign in the things-we-believe-but-don’t-say-out-loud way but genuinely, honestly unrecognizable. If this helps to break the fever and allows conservatives to move

#SorryNotSorry, you mother’s story is irrelevant. Any medicine has potential side effects. However, in the main, over the long-run and for the most part, the individual and social benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks and side effects.

People occasionally die during surgery even when medical staff does everything