F. Lee Baily's bartab

So how come Republican presidents always manage to not balance budgets or cut market-altering corporate welfare—you know, enact their fiscal policies—but do manage to defund Planned Parenthood at the like to appease the “super right wing. religious fanatic” base? Seems like anyone voting for the GOP for their promised

The first time I could vote in a presidential election was 1996 and I voted for Bob Dole because, at the time, the nice thing about being a Republican was you didn’t have to “stand with” anyone in some self-aggrandized solidarity fantasy. I miss that Republican Party, the one that was like, whatever just keep the

Mike Pence was born in 1959. He’s young enough to have been listening to The Clash and the Ramones in high school. People calling their spouses Mother and Father kind of died out with the old people from The Grapes of Wrath.

It needs to be more proactive.

Trump, unlike Pence, is likely to start a war or fire some nukes because Alec Baldwin made fun of him on the teevee. So there is that.

This is the sporting equivalent of soccer moms who voted for Trump thinking he wouldn’t support defunding Planned Parenthood or kick their 24-year-old son off their health insurance.

FSB is to the KGB what Xfinity is to Comcast. Welcome to Kabletown, bitches!

I’m slow, probably because of my swarthy Sicilian Catholic roots.

+3 Ks

So long as a majority of white female voters continue to believe the dual delusions that a) the Republicans won’t really take away *their* birth control and b) we need a BIG STRONG MAN to protect us from the largely imagined* threat of foreign terrorism, the GOP’s united front likely holds.

Right now, that’s the

Or an insufferably conservative president who, at least, isn’t likely to accidentally start a nuclear war because he’s made about some stupid and probably imagined slight.

It’s a very low bar but Pence > Trump.

And daring Goodell to fine him for not using a Surface.

I said some were, I assume good people. But the sad reality is for every D-Money banging Maine’s precious white women (and God bless them for that, they’re doing the Lord’s work) you’ve got at least 5 hedge fund managers coming out Connecticut. Believe me, we can’t have that. We can’t, ok. We just can’t have that.

When Connecticut sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing mortgage-backed securities. They’re bringing junk bonds. They’re hedge fund managers. And

Upon hearing Kill’s comments, Minnesota fans were disappointed to discover he is telling the truth. An easy win over Rutgers isn’t scheduled in 2017 or 2018. And the 2019 game is at Rutgers.

I think it’s fantastic how the Second Mile has managed to reestablish itself in South Carolina. Just terrific.

This. As a white man I truly don’t get why so many of ilk have fever dreams of oppression. It’s fucking wonderful to be a white male. Ferris Bueller said it best, if you have the means...

I reminds me of my dumbass relatives who from 2009-2014 wouldn’t shut up about how stupid Obama was and how stupid the Democrats were for picking him over the more clearly qualified Hillary Clinton. Sometime around 2014, it became DERR BENGHAZI DERR/Hillary will be worse than Obama.

You’re not sending your best people. BUILD A WALL!