
I tried cheddar with apple years ago because I read about it in a book but I don’t think most people really know it’s a thing.

Cheese and dessert is a great combination in general. The best ice cream I’ve ever had was a goat cheese, blueberry, and lemon mixture. The cheese adds richness, texture, and a bit saltiness to the other flavors.

And I really don’t have any interest in any of it.

People thinking Souls’s’ss’ games are some immutable, unchangeable work of perfection seem to neglect the fact that Elden Ring has taken a baseball bat to its original design about seven times now like Abby going golfing. My disc version I can install offline is a wildly, *wildly* different experience than current

Thank you for this not being a slideshow!  

I can kind of understand what they were going for, even if they horribly screwed it up. Some kind of Island of Dr. Moreau thing, with mad scientists experimenting on animals to make them sentient. In and of itself, that’s fine.

This one is really rough. I don’t know how this got through any person with any familiarity with minstrel shows or racism against black people in America.

I imagine there will be a public statement at some point once they’ve gotten their heads around a plan of action to both remedy THIS instance and further steps to

for the hundredth time...what is it about Johnny Depp that incites this kind of absolutely feral psychotic response? I have had so many encounters with these whackos for merely stating that maybe he’s guilty because a UK court found it “substantially likely” he beat her, and HOLY SHIT you’d think I called him a

First let me say that I believe all students in public schools should be provided with lunch. That said, the free lunches offered in my children’s school were usually complete garbage, and significantly worse than the lunches offered when we still had to pay. Typical examples were something like mini pancakes,

Well it’s a good thing my life doesn’t revolve around random strangers on the internet liking me.

That’s the theory, but in practice the stores often only have one or two cashiers working, even at peak time, so they are encouraging self checkout for pretty much everybody. Most of the stores we go to don’t have signs limiting the amount of items. I think one has a sign that says “15-ish or less,” which does make

My biggest beef with self-checkout is that there is little or no counter space to place items once you have scanned them. And the scale area where you place your bags is so inaccurate, half the time it thinks I haven’t placed an item in the bag when I have, or vice-versa.

Ironically, it’s been Bill Murray who has been championing for Hudson to get recognition, even to the point of refusing to participate in some stuff unless they got Hudson too.

“I know, what if instead of blaming this on a pernicious top-down culture of misogyny, I deflect and imply it’s because of brown illegals?

AV Club is pathologically horny for Dave Chappelle at this point. I wonder if they ever consider how much free promotion they’re giving him.