I’m not sure who is worse. This stalker arsonist or the unhinged lunatics in the comments who believe every crime should be a death sentence.
I’m not sure who is worse. This stalker arsonist or the unhinged lunatics in the comments who believe every crime should be a death sentence.
Where did all these unhinged gun nuts come from? No, you fucking psychopath, property doesn’t matter more than human life. You just want free license to murder. It’s people like you who are shooting people through doors or for making a wrong turn into a driveway.
At some point, at some level of mastery and skill, when you’re talking about fractions of a second, luck must play a huge factor. That and being able to quickly recognize patterns. It’s just incredible the level of skill these people have attained.
This take makes no sense. Do you have any idea how much thought and practice has to go into speedrunning? You have to know the game inside an out. You have to spend a lot of time savoring something before you get good enough to be able to speedrun it. Do you think this guy just picked up a Rubik’s Cube and started…
So you’re a straight white dude and representation has simply never been an issue for you. You just take it for granted that almost everything will cater to you, whether it’s market research or not.
Game contains female characters. Too woke!
Given that in America you are far, far more likely to die in a mass shooting than a terrorist attack, and given that most Americans seem perfectly comfortable living with weekly school shootings so that morons can do Call of Duty cosplay in the name of preserving “freedom,” it seems reasonable to tell these agencies…
“Important.” FFS.
Completely disagree. Elden Ring didn’t market itself as “important.” Neither did Zelda TotK. If it were generic marketing speak then everyone would be doing it. But that’s not the case. They just delivered amazing games and the people decided they were important.
Will the light beer hysteria of 2023 go down as the stupidest period in American history? I think we’ve gone past Idiocracy into uncharted levels of unhinged in this country.
“The only question in this case going forward is whether the Bad Spaniels marks are likely to cause confusion,” Kagan said.
Fortunately, your comprehension is not necessary for literally anything’s popularity. I don’t really understand why some people obsess over hunks of metal on wheels, but here we are on Jalopnik. It works both ways. I mean are you really unable to grasp how music so powerfully speaks to people? That’s all it is. Not…
You know a show truly sucks when just reading descriptions of it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I’d honestly rather watch Tucker Carlson’s Twitter videos.
Meh trailer for what looks like a meh game based on a meh movie. But to be fair I’m more interested in the game than the movies. First person does seem like a bit of a weird choice and I can’t explain exactly why. I don’t think I would pay full price for this based on what I’ve seen. But if the reviews are solid I can…
I suppose this could be said of almost every social media interaction, but why do they even care about some data from a survey that could not possibly affect them any less? Is their world going to come tumbling down if more women play video games than they think? Is their gaming experience ruined if it turns out that…
I don’t know what lizard-people level billionaires control the Republican party, but they are absolutely fantastic at their job. As much as they cry about Soros funding the supposed “communists,” they have way more money and influence to spread their propaganda. Whether it was the Red Scare or Satanic Panic or our…
It doesn’t surprise me that UFO sightings and supposed alien encounters are so common. Not just because social media allows almost everyone to share the “evidence” and spread it so quickly across the world, and not just because of media sensationalism. Mostly because these waves of mass shared hysteria crop up…
Exactly how is his freedom of speech being infringed upon? He was allowed to say what he said and other people were allowed to call him a bigot, and rightly so.
He got yelled at on Twitter and a skin got removed from a storefront. Yeah, that’s some evil Nazi stuff right there. I hope he survives this brutal fascism.
Okay, you fooled me once. Nicely done parody account. lol.