Maybe Jenna Ortega should get a job as a writer if she thinks she knows better than they do how to do their jobs. Just shut up and say your lines. Who do you think you are?
Maybe Jenna Ortega should get a job as a writer if she thinks she knows better than they do how to do their jobs. Just shut up and say your lines. Who do you think you are?
You hear that, you greedy writers? Stop advocating for better pay so you can continue to do your jobs and make a living. This asshole needs his content and doesn’t want to hear from the peasants who provide that content.
Do we think Russia would offer him in exchange for Brittney Griner?
“At this point, Netflix has become the Google of streaming services—its prevalence in modern culture transformed the streamer into a colloquial verb.”
Wow, racist dipshit troll who doesn’t know what racism is thinks racist comment is hilarious. Stop the presses!
Are we still on this “missionary is vanilla” bullshit? If any position is vanilla, it’s doggy, the position humans and animals have been doing since the dawn of sex. Besides, missionary gives you easy access to the front, and there’s a lot of fun stuff on people’s fronts.
If the Redfall subreddit is any indication, this is one of those somewhat rare occasions where the critical consensus pretty much matches the gamer consensus. A lot of people are pretty pissed about paying $70 for this. Thinking about checking it out on Gamepass for a lark.
You’re really missing the forest for the trees. The fonts themselves aren’t the issue. Isn’t that obvious? They are a symptom. It’s about the lack of attention to detail and polish that one would expect from a AAA title from a fairly well-respected developer. Especially now that we’re paying $70.00 for these things.
I get what you’re saying, and I sort of agree. I know a lot of people get sucked in by the lore and whatnot (I am decidedly not one of those people), but people definitely aren’t deciding on whether to buy the new Zelda game for the plot. They just want to be transported back to that world they know and love and to…
It’s crazy that even with the ever present knowledge that your bad behavior will be blasted all over the internet, people still just choose to behave like absolute animals.
On a more positive note, McDonald’s profits and share prices are up! They and their investors are doing just fine. It looks like french fry prices are up something like 25%, so they’ve increased prices far beyond anything inflation-related.
lol who is “we”? 99% of your comments are about how much you hate the woke left. As if you’ve ever not blamed the Democrat for whatever bad thing is happening. I mean we all have a deep understanding that the entire economy is hinged solely on what the president does. Economic factors that existed well before the…
This isn’t Tootsie, you shameless bigots. They really think trans people are just a bunch of dudes in wigs trying to dominate women’s sports and break into women’s restrooms to assault someone.
In other words, if you fail and are poor, it’s because you’re some combination of lazy, feckless, and stupid.
LOL. This is some next level mansplaining. “Most women”...let me stop you right there, Roger.
Women are the real sexists, blacks are the real racists, liberals are the real fascists. Etc. Christ, wake us up when you have something to say that you’re not just regurgitating from the Tucker Carlson reform school for pathetic incels. Worst. Troll. Ever.
It’s easy (and fun) to make fun of these guys, but I truly do have empathy for them. As a mid to beta male who never got to date pretty girls in highschool (or college really for that matter), and who is currently and devastatingly single, I understand the frustration, the depression, the self loathing, the feeling of…
Bought it last night. Yes, I am such an ally please pat me on the back. Only got to play for a few minutes but so far: it looks fantastic, the writing is at least as good as the main campaign, the lead voice acting is good to very good (again, on par). So in essence these people review bombing either haven’t played…
Do women of a certain age have the same kind of nostalgia for Barbie that men of a certain age have for Star Wars or whatever? I mean obviously obsessive fandom fueled by nostalgia is overwhelmingly driven by man-boys, but I’m just wondering if there are people out there clamoring for like My Little Pony or Rainbow…
I will never understand the demented mind that causes people to pronounce it “Ree-sees pee-sees.” You would never ever say “Ree-see Witherspoon.” And yet here we are just butchering words for a lark. Disgusting.