
That’s not a counterpoint. That’s the experience of one person: you. The vast majority of people have been complaining about this problem for years. There are plenty of posts in this thread discussing the possible technical issues that might contribute to or mitigate the problem.

So what exactly is your problem? Do you have a child in school that can’t have PB&J for one meal out of their entire day and that’s a massive hassle for you? Do you have a child with an allergy? Or are you just some random person with a dogshit take to share online?

Is this another attempt by Conservatives to illustrate the horrors of government overreach and the glories of the “invisible hand”? I guess they won’t be letting the free market decide this one. Huh.

JFC what an insane waste of time and words over literally the least consequential topic in human history. Someone didn’t like a movie I liked so I’m so pissed I’m going to write a 3000 word essay. And you’re calling other people morons. LOL.

I am loving all the armchair psychiatrists in the comments, who are following her IG posts and weighing in on whether she has mental health issues, which they are certainly qualified to diagnose based on TMZ videos and social media.

I can only speak for America, but the answer to your question is the same as why the vast majority workers don’t organize and fight for higher wages and unions. Or when they do there are massive lobbying efforts to crush them, and a political class that is at best lukewarm to organized labor if not openly hostile.

Breaking news! Cancel culture is still stupid. I can’t believe this is being re-litigated again and almost exclusively by white people. The savior complex that white liberals have is astounding.

Is January 6th now just the day all pathetic morons pick to protest? I truly do not understand the psychopathy of people who allow themselves to get this butthurt over literally the smallest possible issue. Who cares if she’s on the list? Does that mean she can’t tour anymore? Does that mean her music is no longer

My favorite thing about the Avatar apologists is that literally their only defense of the movie is that it’s making a lot of money. As if that is some objective metric of a movie’s cultural impact and quality. Most people, even those who thought the first movie was trash (like me), knew the sequel was going to make mon

This is all so stupid. Yes, of course nepotism can be bad. But in the grand scheme of things, is Hollywood nepotism that big of a deal? It’s one thing if you were born to billionaire parents and inherit their money and spend your life being a worthless charlatan. But going into movies because your parents did? Who

Great point. And by that logic, we are utterly incompetent employers running our “business” into the ground.

LOL. This is an even worse take, you fool.

So if you point out the role of institutionalized racism and sexism in holding women and minorities back from full, equal participation in society then you are an entitled communist who thinks society owes you something. You need to take personal responsibility for your actions and station in life and stop blaming

I have a Raspberry Pi with tons of retro games on it. I have a “gaming” laptop with a Steam account. I own a PS5 and an Xbox Series S, and subscribe to both of their gaming services.

Yes, of course nepotism can be bad, but I think it’s funny that we wring our hands over the children of people in entertainment, as if it’s a wild proposition that your children might follow in your footsteps, might learn their craft from their parent(s) or family connections.

I swear every console generation we have to have another bout of mass hysteria over video games. Our government is badly in need of an update.

For all the hand-wringing and hyperbole over “Communism” in America, Conservatives love to engage in this Stalin-level cult of personality propaganda with Trump (and Musk, while we’re at it). It’s such a strange power fantasy to dress up a badly overweight and elderly billionaire as some sort of superhero.

I find it deliciously ironic that Conservatives have fully embraced the cult of personality surrounding people like Trump and Musk. Much like when Stalinism became the new face of Marxism and posters and artwork of Stalin as a God-like figure proliferated.

LOL! OnTheMoon is one of the most insufferable twats on this site.

We can put human beings on the moon but we can’t figure out how to use pronouns correctly anymore. Because it’s an absolute free for all with zero rules and entirely subjective. And using “they” or “them” or “their” when referring to ONE person is forever going to cause confusion.