Nothing exemplifies a fit and well-trained soldier like your typical malnourished nerd chugging Mountain Dew Code Red while sitting in his room all day playing FPS games and spewing racist, sexist, and homophobic slurs.
Nothing exemplifies a fit and well-trained soldier like your typical malnourished nerd chugging Mountain Dew Code Red while sitting in his room all day playing FPS games and spewing racist, sexist, and homophobic slurs.
The craziest thing to me is that there are actually people in the comments having earnest discussions about whether race or species is correct because “scientifically” dwarves, elves, orcs and whatever other make believe creatures can produce offspring. SCIENTIFICALLY! Let that sink in.
Thankfully, we have full faith and trust in the police at this point. So who sees a problem with them executing people with drones? The military does it and I don’t remember any controversy about that.
Oh, no! I hope not. Because what would we do without engaging, thoughtful musings like this:
B-b-b-but what about radical free speech?
He’s definitely a better troll than you, you misogynistic little dipshit.
Wow. What an amazing speech. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a politician lament the current state of the nation by glorifying the mythical glory days of the past.
LOL. I agree. if someone is a complete egomaniac a-hole, we should never call them out on their well-known bad behavior. What a great take. Like that Harvey Weinstein guy? Sure, he was a bit of a jerk. But he got movies made!
“Dipping fries in a Wendy’s Frosty is a bizarre tradition I’ll never fully understand.”
We’ll stop throwing Skittles at Harry Styles when he stops throwing terrible music at us.
My favorite part is this dum dum seems to think that physical near-perfection is something that one can simply set out to do and achieve. I guess all the “ugly” people are just lazy.
LOL. If something requires “specific genetic traits” then it is by definition unattainable. That’s like saying a short person could somehow achieve greater height. Through hard work and old fashioned gumption, I guess?
I don’t agree with all of this, but it’s well thought out and well written. I appreciate the measured and fair response.
It’s not that we haven’t seen or don’t know how popular something like Yellowstone is. It’s just that it’s absolute dogshit. A soap opera masquerading as prestige television. I think we’re all pretty aware how a show about sociopath billionaire “cowboys” might play well in middle America MAGA country.
I don’t understand his take on the 80's but he doesn’t get into it so whatever. I’m not going to melt down like the people in the comments.
Ya! Why on earth should we give any credence to the opinions of people in the movie industry on the state of the movie industry? A better barometer is what some asshole nobody thinks in the comments section of a website most people haven’t even heard of. Those are the complex, nuanced takes I want!
This is exactly right. These were the intended consequences. At the moment of fertilization, that egg has more rights than the women carrying it. Even if it endangers her life. Even if it means she becomes sterile.
The worst part of spending all that money on food is that then you have to watch football.
I’ve thought the same thing many times. Subway, like cancel culture, is trash masquerading as something healthy. Oh, it’s a sandwich, there’s vegetables. So it must be good for me! And it can be, kind of, if you do it right.
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