
LOL this immature twat again. “wishing her an excruciating death is a fucking shitty thing to say”. Then you immediately wish someone an excruciating and unnecessarily specific death. Butt aids? Are you for real? There is no way you are an adult human with a fully formed cerebral cortex.

“It’s normal for a kid in 2022 to have a trans phase.”

Christ you must be like 12 years old. Do your parents monitor your internet usage?

LOL. This is objectively untrue. But completely unspurprising coming from a racist, misogynist troll who thinks white conservatives are oppressed in this country.

You can’t reform Democracy from the inside unless you are a part of it and unless you believe in it on some philosophical level—which she must if she turned to a life of politics. And if you want to reform it from outside you are talking about revolution.

I think the lesson here is that we need to bring back anti-nerd bullying. When I was growing up, being into dork stuff got you laughed at so you had to develop a personality and a group of likeminded friends.

If it were up to me all games would either have some sort of difficulty slider or selection in the menu—or if you are a true artist and build the modes into the gameplay like Elden Ring even better—and they would all allow you to customize your character at least to some extent.

Absolutely all of the above. Elden Ring absolutely has difficulty modes. They are just baked into the game. I wouldn’t have stood a chance beating this game without my ash summons. That they handled it so masterfully is part of the reason the game sold so well to non-Souls gamers (like me).

“Its just not true that the choice being there does not affect people who choose not to use it.”

I personally wouldn’t do it in public, but I sure as shit am not going to self-bleep myself during the 80+ times per song that the n-word is said. If you don’t want white people singing along with lyrics you don’t like, then don’t put those fucking lyrics in the song.

What’s not weird is that the racist dimwit who whines about people of color being in a fantasy show for dorks claims to be from England but didn’t see a single BLM march there. Despite the worldwide protests being very widely covered.

No, by self-inflicted, we mean that invading another country and causing tens of thousands of deaths is the direct cause of those sanctions. You know: consequences for your actions.

Sure, we don’t really care what Kim Kardashian has to say about politics, but it’s sure interesting that people are always telling celebrities to “shut up” except when it’s a political issue they agree with. Then it’s fine.

I agree with the dum dums in the comments. Every single time this movie and the (extremely tepid and boring) drama surrounding it comes up on Kinja, there are tons of comments. This article alone has 168 comments. And 99.99% of them are people bitching about how these articles are just clickbait and everyone is tired

I agree that Tolkien is turning in his grave because there are strong female characters and non-white cast members.

Counterpoint: fuck you racist, right-wing trolls who can’t compose a logical and grammatically correct comment.

Honest question because I think I fired a little off the cuff earlier. But if you had seen this artwork without the context of the article and the online outrage, would you really have honestly said “this is clearly racist minstrel show imagery”?

How many Americans do you think are even remotely familiar with minstrel show art? I would guess a tiny percentage. I think we are being wildly generous in assuming the vast majority of Americans have enough education in this area of history to identify these D&D characters as racist caricatures.

Trans people make up such a tiny percentage of the population. Honestly, what are you people afraid of? What drives you to so publicly rant about this stuff? How does someone being trans even affect you?

LOL! I guess the point you are making here is that people who have zero knowledge of business or the legal system, people like you, now despise the “woke.”