
In the second picture above. You see that white stuff between the little black thing and the red line? That’s a goal. The goalie made an initial stop, but allowed the puck to keep moving without being totally covered and it ended up crossing the line. Toronto had the same view of the goal that you see above. Good call

Uh, no. It clearly crossed the line.

Bro it was a goal. Tough loss but don't whine.

There’s no evidence any hacking took place. Unauthorized use of an account is not, on its own, hacking. If I get up from my desk and you sit down and type out a tweet on my account, you didn’t hack me.

If you think the girl would’ve drove 113mph without the snapchat filter as motivation, then you might have a point, but I don’t think she would’ve. My first thought was that this was just a news item magnified just to provoke outrage, but it totally makes sense.

No the girl didn’t suffer brain damage. The Uber driver did. The girl probably already had brain damage if she thought it would be cool to get her car up to 100 mph to take a stupid snapchat

If Mercedes had a feature where you could take a screengrab of your dash display and post it on social media then you might actually have a point.

Because Mitsubishi.

Newtown Elementary victim families are suing Bushmaster because Adam Lanza killed his mother, then stole the Bushmaster AR she bought was the one he used to kill the little kids.

Yeah. Logic.

Alright alright we’ll stay off your lawn

Yes, but they aren’t worth billions of dollars.

Sure, squeeze that stone and see how much blood comes out.

shouldn’t they be suing the girl and her family?

I do too but not because I think they’ll brake check me. Cops are literally the worst drivers because they’re always distracted. They’re always either typing or reading shit on their death boxes (laptops). It’s amazing how few of them can even stay in their lane.

After he’s done getting off his lawn, maybe you could run to the store and buy yourself a sense of humor?

How about an article listing the “Top 10" CP losses and NP wins?

If I ran a 5k in 2:43 I’d be happy.

You spelled “Mustang” wrong.

M5 Touring? Yeah, M5 Touring.