The pilot declared an emergency after takeoff, they circled for 2 hours to burn up their fuel. Montreal is better equipped to handle a emergency landing vs Saguenay-Bagotville Airport.
The pilot declared an emergency after takeoff, they circled for 2 hours to burn up their fuel. Montreal is better equipped to handle a emergency landing vs Saguenay-Bagotville Airport.
If there was a problem during landing, which airport/city would you prefer to crash at: Montreal or Saguenay?
Most of the interweb critics have never owned or even driven a BRZ. The internet brings out a lot of armchair experts and bench racers. The issue with the BRZ is that people expect it to have Corvette power. It’s not that kind of car. Think of it as a hardtop Miata. Because that’s what it is.
Slow compared to what? I have a 2014 BRZ and I’ve been tracking and autocrossing it since I bought it new. Whenever I give someone a ride they are amazed at how competent and fast it is on the track. The car isn’t for straight lines or stoplight drag races, it’s an amazing performance car in the same vein as a Miata.
I wouldn’t reminisce about an old teacher sending me a pile of floppy dicks.
The traction bars, rally hubcaps and T/A’s are a nice touch too!
Hey Boomers know and want to fix shit. Millennials only know how to contact someone on Instagram to come do it and then they write a whiny blog and tweet about it.
When you’re so rich and you can have Rolls Royce do whatever you want, it really doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks is tacky.
Consider this: When designing this truck, the engineers were probably constrained into using the stock, unmodified frame of the mass production truck, or a slight variation thereof.
Protip: Perhaps direct your snark toward Ford for choosing to use a solid axle and LEAF SPRINGS in a 2020 vehicle, and not Shelby, which had to resort to a solution from the 1990s to address a problem that leaf spring suspensions have had for decades. There is no leaf spring suspension that can put 700 horsepower to…
Protip- Don't say protip when you're just vomiting up amateur ignorance. OEM is most definitely not fine and 700+ hp would wrap that axle and hop down the pavement quicker than you could cry about hack jobs and speed bumps. And that's plenty high enough to avoid dragging on anything unless you're a no talent mid life…
I have a friend (car guy) who bought a single cab work truck spec Silverado about 4 years ago, and it looks completely stock.
Thanks. And yet some people continue to argue about things they clearly don’t understand (not you).
Strong disagree.
Adjust your mirrors properly and you will no longer be bothered by Silverados. Side benefit is, you know, minimizing blind spots.
Valhalla won’t let you in if you’re holding a Grant steering wheel.
In our case, the Tommy Gate equipped Transit is sufficient 95% of the time. Buying one of these “trailer” things to go along with the Transit, then we might as well have bought a bigger box truck. Both a Transit/trailer combo or a larger box truck takes up more space than we would need when it comes to parking.
Oh man, agree to disagree. I think it’s great.