Even easier than that: download a free tipping app on to your phone. This is 2015, we have the technology.
Even easier than that: download a free tipping app on to your phone. This is 2015, we have the technology.
I know when I'm over feeling guilty about something, the first thing I do is shop around a 900-word blog post about it.
What an absolute load of horse shit. Where have you been getting your stories from - the pack of a toilet roll wrapper? Far from Australia being the land of plenty in early European colonisation, many early white settlers starved and suffered malnutrition and vitamin deficiencies due to their inability in the harch…
Paleo is just another part of the trend towards Orthorexia, the belief that most food is bad, or bad for you. Food Babe is the patron saint of this, and WholeFoods is the temple where orthorexics go to pay far, far too much for food, in the mistaken belief that the more you pay for something, the better it is for you.…
If people are so afraid of having an autistic or otherwise atypical child, then why do they choose to have kids at all? I will never understand people.
Typical elite educated liberal spouting off all them fancy book-learnin' words. We need to get rid of the toxins!
I freaked my crazy food trend obsessed cousin by telling her that there was Dihydrogen Oxide in the water she was using to liquefy the kale she was going make into babyfood. And that it was also in the kale as well. I told her that no amount of organic farming or veganism was ever going to take out all the…
Children are born without teeth and women start lactating after birth for a reason. If a woman decided not to breast feed for a reason, then her milk should be replaced by something similar. And last time I checked, women don't secrete ground up chicken liver after giving birth and Palaeolithic man did not have access…
Can we please give autism a break and have a new fate worse than death?
Didn't you know that the more vitamins you make your child eat, the healthier they will be? There's no such thing as too much vitamins, because vitamins are totally natural and good, like spring water or cyanide. Don't listen to those horrible doctors telling you how much vitamin your child can consume - they're just…
Parents need to realize that your child being different isnt the worst thing in the world. My wife is a Special Education teacher and deals with autistic students all day, some of which very severe.
I am a registered dietitian who generally advocates paleo-ish eating (except for my job in long-term care where I make sure my residents have all the ice cream they want)...and this baby formula terrifies me. No person who understands basic infant nutrition would devise a formula like this. Even the most hardcore…
Actual paleo infant/child diet:
I am honestly so fucking sick of everyone acting like Autism is the ultimate evil. It is a (usually) fairly mild neurodevelopmental disorder. I realize that it isnt always easy, but that doesnt mean that people within the autism spectrem arent still people and are plenty able to go living happy, functional lives. It…
If you want to follow a fad diet yourself, fine, whatever, it's your choice. But if you are feeding your infant a fad diet you really need a kick in the ass. And yes, "paleo" is a fad diet.
The recipe in question: