
That was awesome!

Brian, you didn't misspell lesser - it's just a grammatical error.

I do something similar - MSE (or Defender in Windows 8), with Avira installed, but not running real time, for additional scanning if I want it, plus the free version of SuperAntispyware for manual scans.

Didn't Japan also claim that the nuclear meltdown wasn't going to happen?

What about He-Man?

Thanks! Nice article. I saw that Wikipedia already mentions you regarding this.

Nice post.

5 years ago I went to a carpenter and bought two blocks of beech wood for cutting boards. They cost me $15 each. Awesome wood for cutting boards.

wind up

It actually looks pretty good to me. I liked Australian money when I first saw it - kind of toyish, but you can wash it without ruining it and it's far more difficult to counterfeit (so I was told).

You can use AdBlock, AdBlock Plus, YouTube Options (that's the name of another addon in Chrome)... any of these will alleviate your pains.


I think rentals should only be something like a ChromeBook.

I think his comparison is quite weak. Innovation in programming is very costly. From talent seeking, to investing, to failed projects that lead to successful ones, the copy-cats who come in on the coattails just get an easy ride. This video seems to me to be poorly thought out.

FBI - FaceBook Integrated

For those of us believing in G-d, there are many answers to that question. One of them is that since for each day of creation in Genesis it's written that G-d saw "that it was good", anything that isn't good in our eyes is considered a lacking that we are responsible for, which would include illnesses. Other answers

Why not? If someone believes G-d created the world, then they will believe that He gives knowledge, opens our eyes to those things we didn't see previously, etc. Under that context He certainly deserves thanks. Not to mention that if G-d wanted to take her life, He could. The fact that He didn't is something to be

Nice - thanks, I missed that.

I didn't think of that - nice insight.