
How do you know he's gay?

There are still whaling ships?! What are we using the whales for today? Is their blubber still being used for candles and oil? OK wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whaling says they're still hunted for oil and meat - who'd have known. It also mentions that commercial whaling is banned world-wide.

Awesome app. Nice video. The music made me ache.

Are you kidding? Let's say the US sat back and watched. Then what? Syria starts taking out people like in some video game and you continue drinking your beer thinking, what video should I watch today. In the meantime, someone is dying. Then one day they hit a US base, or a US ally. Keep drinking that beer. No

A new headline for the article: This is how Apple would make a commercial if Apple made shoes.

What's wrong with you?

Nobody makes them that way, if that's what you're implying. People all have a choice of whether or not to be radical. For example, some impoverished people choose to make something of themselves, while others accept it, while still others blame someone else for their condition. We all have choices to make.

That IS nice! Well done!

I think you're right. I think, though, that being a Twitter account, it is more readily accessible by people who don't know any better and who could easily be swayed into a terrorist cause. Still, I imagine the FBI has more reasons to keep the account open than to close it.

No need to be self-deprecating. America has its own interests to look after and hence they stick their nose where it doesn't belong. But radical Islam is fundamentally against what America, and much of the Western world, is.

Not for that reason - they use Twitter and Facebook the way a business would - for massive communication, not just for spreading propaganda. The plans from such communication are what need to be stopped.

Eric, I think you're the first writer on Gizmodo to open hint that Hamas is a terrorist organization, and I thank you for it.

I don't know where you live Jared, but Israel is more likely your friend than Hamas. Hamas is working to usurp Israel and other countries as well. Their close friends are Iran and anti-American terrorist groups (remember Taliban?). Even if you are not pro-Israel, at least it should be expected that you'd have an

Hamas is one of those anti-American groups. Their current focus is on Israel, but they are staunchly anti-American.

Simon, I realize that. On all that you wrote just now, we agree. I think most people are well-meaning, even most of the Arabs. It's a corrupt powerful few that ruin it for everyone. Enjoy your Turkey (unless you're a vegetarian).

You're grossly misinformed. The minister who made those statements is called Eli Yishai. Poor reporting has attributed it to Bibi, but it was Eli Yishai, and your reference to Hitler is wasted here as Hitlers allies are the same enemies we have today - those who seek to destroy Israel. Today, however, we have our

Why do you think the rocket numbers were fabricated? One of Israel's politicians declared that, but the Israeli public is not with him. The victims are not to blame. Their lousy leadership is. The PLO, Islamic Jihad, Hamas - they're to blame for the poverty of those Arabs in their care.

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Muslims aren't terrorists. We call terrorists terrorists because they perform acts of terror. The people who blow up buses and venues in Israel, subways in London, the Twin Towers in the USA - these are acts of terror. If they were all perpetrated by Muslims, that will make people think that all terror activities

Thanks for your comments. I didn't say to find another place to live. I said to get out of the way of fire. Please remember that Gaza was under Israeli sovereignty and we gave it to the Arabs to do with as they wish. Instead of making it a home, their leaders turned it into launching ground to continue to fire on

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Israelis are not foreign to the Land of Israel. Why would you think that the Palestinians have territory within Israel's Biblically-given borders, UN approved borders, or any other? There were no people calling themselves Palestinians and claiming this region when the State of Israel was ratified, and there was no