
Wow - I didn’t realize famous rich blond models were so generous and thoughtful about the needs of others. Happy Independence Day, right? She should do this again before Thanksgiving and other family and national holidays to remind everyone what it’s like to be caring, giving, and responsible with the wealth with

Fair’s fair. Your name implies your belief. There is only One G-d. He is the G-d who created the Universe, who created Adam and Eve, and who took the Jews out of Egypt to be His People. All other “powers” are not G-d’s. They are manifestations of His divinity in our world.

It’s so rare to see idolatry in practice.

Thank you for this article. It’s very spot on. We are orthodox Jews living in Israel. There is a vast divide of the sexes from an outside perspective. We have separate schools (not just classrooms) and dress codes from a young age. We have different tasks as well, and each gender learns slightly different things as

I’ve never really appreciated him as an authority on science. I’ve always seen him as more of a charleton.

Did you really just respond to a post from 4 years ago?!

As a computer technician, I can say that for my important data, I wouldn’t use these drives even if they were giving them away for free. They use proprietary hardware - if the PCB or other electronics die, the drive is in the trash. I’ve seen too many of these drives come in for data restoration only to disappoint the

As a computer technician, I can say that for my important data, I wouldn’t use these drives even if they were giving

If she was a male, it might have happened. If she were a white male, it might have happened. If she were a white female, I’m pretty certain this wouldn’t have happened.

That is a very nice comment - Thank you for the time for writing it :)

I’d say it’s assault with indent to do great bodily harm. It’s a bit less than a murder charge. He could have serious health issues as a result of that hit.

Oh I think you’re putting it lightly. Footballers have a lot of power behind them. I’d go for assault with intent to kill. He easily could have life-threatening or life-long injuries result from a hit like that.

For those who missed the Arabic, he says, “Death to America, Dealth to Israel” and later he praises Iran.

His video, while somewhat amusing, wasn’t worth my time. It seems representative of many modern mind sets to twist details.

Very doggone clever of you!

I have a client who speaks this way, and I’ve never liked the “just” or “jest”, as though the change of accent makes the plea even greater. I don’t think it’s micromanagement of words, so much as it’s a subtle psychology of how one perceives oneself in a group of people.

Vaccines are necessary and good.

Someone should at least tell the new wife about the long distance girlfriend, right?

EVERYONE in this video is appalling. Including the guy with the camera, and all the spectators who do nothing to break it up, not to mention the lack of security personnel. Completely lacking all the things that are good in humanity.