
Found it! Nice phone case! She sure likes flowers.

I was a shepherd, a real one, for about 1.5 years on a farm in Israel. It was an incredible experience. The goats and sheep would have about 9 hours of grazing time per day in their natural habitat, and my job was to walk around with them, give them water by drawing it up with buckets from natural rain wells, and keep

Wow - I didn’t realize famous rich blond models were so generous and thoughtful about the needs of others. Happy Independence Day, right? She should do this again before Thanksgiving and other family and national holidays to remind everyone what it’s like to be caring, giving, and responsible with the wealth with

בבקשה תדבר לעצמך אחי.

Awesome article. Thank you. I’m surprised to see it on Gizmodo though. Still, Holocaust education is important from all fronts and I’m happy to see the article here. Well done!

I just photocopied an older 100 shekel note (in Israel) and a new 200 shekel note (new design) on my 5 year old color laserjet pro - perhaps the printer is too old to know it’s currency?

I’m not sure he’ll get anywhere with his suit, but it’s worth noting that if YouTube and other sites that have terms of use, but aren’t enforcing them adequately, the terms of use aren’t meaningful. I do believe that YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. should be actively removing as much of this material as possible.

I remember dating as a means to get married. Having that in mind, I’m more interested about what my wife is like (caring, responsible, patient, loving, kind, etc) as well as how her day went than the music she listens to that keeps her happy. Best of success with your method though. People who enjoy the same songs and

“from the 30-second preroll of smiling tourists relaxing 1,000 feet above certain death to the man trying his hardest to destroy the one thing keeping his body from becoming human pepperoni at the bottom of a gorge,”

Also for blacks. The idea was diversity, not hatred. Thanks for bringing up the point.

It’s recently come to my attention how much anti Israel sentiment is coming out of US universities due mainly to ignorance bolstered by lies spread by haters of Israel/Jews. United with Israel is doing a lot o combat those lies with education. Their website is http://unitedwithisrael.org or on Facebook https://m.facebo

It’s recently come to my attention how much anti Israel sentiment is coming out of US universities, greatly due to shear ignorance bolstered by lies used by those who hate Israel and Jews. United with Israel is doing a lot to combat the lies by educating anyone who is willing to take a few moments each day to read.

Nice post!

How did that black actor even consider acting in this commercial??

My current toilet book is the 10th anniversary Calvin and Hobbes book. Watterson spends a good few pages detailing what this video says. The video is very true to everything he writes in the book, especially regarding not bastardizing his characters and having a profound influence on the layouts. He was in a constant

I don’t think Apple is going to be saving anyone’s dreams this year. Steve Jobs was a noted visionary. Apple doesn’t have an outspoken visionary at the moment. They need to have one before making another market changer.

No lack of N-named sweets...

That’s incredible. Will they be installing a PA on trains to make this easier in the future?

Yes, that’s better than mine!

You are SO right! There is no real character development of Superman or Clark in the movie. He seems like a normal person with a superpowers. Normally superheroes smile, are happy to help, and genuinely give of themselves - not what you see in this version of the character. A more appropriate title might have been