
You're now using terms and ideas I'm completely unfamiliar with. We, the Zionists, those who want to return to Zion (the Land of Israel, Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, the place of G-d's Holy Temple) do not base our goals on the insecurities of others, depopulation or colonization of any people. Just as King Solomon

By the way, our homes get bulldozed too, by our own government, if those homes are built illegally. It's a double standard, because nearly no Arab home in Israel gets bulldozed, illegal or not.

If a war has been declared, it has been declared on terrorism, not on a country. We're not at war with Gaza or Arabs or with Islam. We're at war with the declaration of some people to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. A war is not an excuse to blow up a bus in a metropolitan area, a bus on which there were

actually the wikipedia link I sent makes it clear that the word is not simple to define, and an I mentioned this in my second post.

Chalk it up to Hamas storing their weapons in civilian buildings. The IDF is targeting weapons, not people. Store the weapons in a non-populated area like any normal government, and civilians wouldn't be in the line of fire. Add to that the fact that most Israeli civilians are free to move around to get out of the

Blowing up a bus IS terrorism, by all definitions. Shelling bunkers of weapons that the Hamas has decided to store inside of civilian buildings is self-defense, especially when such weapons are being aimed at you. The people on the bus that blew up may have been Arab. There is no logic in attacking civilians on

I've only ever known propaganda to be the kind the Nazis used. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda defines it in various ways - originally neutral, until usages such as the Nazis and others. If you want to call it neutral, that's fine, but I believe today that the word carries with it a negative connotation, and

That doesn't mean that you're correct in calling Israeli PR propaganda. I don't believe you meant something antisemitic by it, but there's no reason to call something propaganda unless you know it to be a lie.

Sam, if you'd have just written the article without mentioning propaganda... twice, this might have been a decent article. Why don't you come live here in Israel for 3 weeks and see if it's propaganda, or simply disseminating truths that wouldn't otherwise not be sought out by international media. I think that's

Man are you right!

While I appreciate your comments, I disagree with you. Israel isn't responsible for breeding the terrorist culture. The Arab leadership has failed the Arabs where Israel doesn't have sovereignty. The Arabs in Israel proper don't suffer, but rather are part of our society, from taxi drivers, to doctors and lawyers,

You're right. That's what we're doing. "Just hitting the places where the rockets were fired from" is like swatting at 1000 mosquitoes. Many of the launch sites are mobile from the back of a truck. Many of them are underground. We're wiping out as many as possible, along with the stockpiles of weapons that are

You're right. Unfortunately many of them are being held against their will in order to bring this point to fruition. While the Israelis in the south of Israel are traveling north to wait out the war, a lot of the Arabs in Gaza cannot leave. They know there are stockpiles of weapons in their residential buildings, and

"Destroys Israel" - a bit sensationalist, wouldn't you say? Especially considering that there are certainly backups of the information that was deleted. Further, living in Israel, I can tell you, Thank G-d, that it wasn't destroyed. The attention you give Anonymous could be better given to other causes instead of

I realize that's what you heard, though that's not at all what I wrote. If you take the time to read through the links I send you, you'd realize that. You don't have to be pro-Israel to use the word terrorist when it's appropriate. Case in point, the BBC used it freely when describing the subway bomb in London. In

HonestReporting.com generally catches all the good reasons. Mainly because they refuse to use the word terrorist when it's appropriate, but also for doctoring or recycling photos for sensationalism and for other reasons including biased reporting. Here's at least one example from last year: