
No, you aren’t reading what I’m saying. There is every reason to reference other laws when passing a new law rather than trying to rewrite those other laws. Doing things your way would either require a) they rewrite the laws on the books to clarify the current state of jurisprudence or b) they would duplicate the

I don’t think you’re understanding. The law wasn’t declared unconstitutional. The application of it to consenting adults was. However, the law still remains valid and constitutional for prosecuting, among other things, bestiality. There are many laws which are on the books in many jurisdictions which are either partly

Only part of the sodomy law is illegal (the part which criminalizes consenting adults). The law is otherwise (animals, forcible sodomy aka rape) still valid. It makes sense to reference it rather than redefine those things again, thus having less consistency and more chance for clever lawyers to find loopholes.

Yes...although it can still be pretty terrifying. My concern isn’t hitting someone in front, but someone barreling along behind me and hitting me, either b/c I’m going slow, or when I stop successfully *before* hitting the pileup in front of me. Going 10mph is...not much above 0mph, and it’s those cars doing a slow

That Putin orchestrated the apartment bombings that helped him initially consolidate his hold on power.

And the reply-alls to the group email? :)

If you haven’t had it, Citadelle is well worth having, it’s the one that gets stocked at home. I don’t doubt there is something niche that is better, but it’s easy enough to find and reasonably priced.

He looks like he is about to be ill in that reaction shot.

No children?

If all the many survivors, many now gone, and the various prosecutions before today have not held back the hate, I highly doubt prosecuting this old functionary will change the world. If you are relying on prosecuting old Nazis to stop anti-semetism than whither when they are all dead too? Maybe she does deserve

How is getting prosecuted for battery disproportionate to their actions? There’s no legitimate reason for targeting a ref in the back. It doesn’t matter what the ref said or how bad his calls were, it’s still battery. If they were targeting a player on the opposing team and getting late hits in or something...that

And even knowing that, I despise them for putting a uniform on his back

Well of course. You can’t win the war against guns because you don’t have any guns. The guns have all the guns. And guns win wars.

YES. Kevin Conroy is Batman. There is no other.

The shakes are from the excess of power coursing through your veins, that power which coffee alone can grant.

No, just to make sure they check the back of the car for little people, esp if the adults are incapacitated or dead and can’t tell them.

Fwiw, supposedly the baby on board thing isn’t for other drivers, but first responders.

I thought about trolling too...but I sort of don’t want to know, I’ve not laughed so hard in a long while as I did at this thread.

Dying, tears streaming down my face. Thank you!

Aluminum bats are only as dangerous as you allow them to be. If you set standards appropriately for how fast a ball is allowed to come off of them, they’re no more dangerous than wood. It is inconceivable that we do not have the engineering know-how to create an aluminum bat with wood-like performance. It might be