
Fwiw, Peacemaker makes me hopeful that *something* good can be done. Remains to be seen if they manage to do anything remotely as good in films, but there’s at least some reason for hope. I’m not even sure what the je ne sais quoi of it is, but there's something special there.

It’s good the cops are helping to keep the world safe from those who pay their taxes, have auto insurance, and drive safe enough to not have accidents or tickets for 50 years (or !70! years!). I’ll definitely sleep easier tonight knowing they're hard at work out there....  /s

Okay, that’s fascinating.  I learned of that song from that episode, and love the song in part because the episode left such an indelible impression on me.  I had no idea they’d actually created a cover of the song, sounds like it’s just different equalization.

Recognizing you have room for improvement doesn’t mean you were shitty before, fwiw....

This.  I'm disappointed.  Would definitely have watched for that alone.

If he were that drunk, it’s possible he would legitimately not know what happened....

Clearly, then, he must be incorporating fibers from his opponent’s outfit into his lethal bloodsicle

Tangential, but i hate that that song is the Nazi’s in the musical. Esp in the new broadway production, it’s a hauntingly beautiful melody and i hate that it is not wholesome. 

What I couldn’t help seeing:

If there were *any* real risk of igniting fumes by leaving your engine on while fueling, we’d see a lot more stories about random fires getting started when *other* cars drive by or idle or start their engines near where someone else is pumping gas. There’s nothing magic about the engine that’s running being attached

Now playing

I think J-L Cauvin should be on that list. Spot on impersonations, and funny. Almost sad, really, because it’s so spot on and OMG how is this reality!?

I feel like I’ve seen this show before, can’t quite put my finger on it.....

I don’t see the issue, HypnoLambOfGod is here for You, just stare into his eyes...

That’s just what the *real* Sam Spade would say...!

Just the thing for preppers worried about a Water World future!

No one expects the War of the Spanish Succession.

Was in the chair at Sport Clips while that segment was airing and both stylist and I were pretty blown away by how fucked up the whole thing seemed. The moment of truth was really when Tua was asked, “what do you mean by ‘get it’?”, and he fumbled for just a second and then pivoted to how it wasn’t just about

From another article: “Under some circumstances, such as when pilots are flying manually, the Max jets will automatically try to push down the nose if they detect that an aerodynamic stall is possible”.

Yes. Stick two flags and a red jersey on the QB and remove the ambiguity.

All of the deceitful sentiment without the semantic guilt.