
So, curious, I've wondered about this before. In Texas, at least, I've noticed this to be standard practice in the African-American community (Mr(s). FirstName), but I don't think I've know any white people to do it, even people from small towns in the panhandle. Does that pattern hold in the Deep South? Or is it

I know this will probably fall on deaf ears but: college students: don't do this to each other


Well of course they're a reproduction. The real deal is simply passed down from one socerer to the next, generation after generation.... ;)

So, I've been meaning to make a submission for Fashion Scavenger Hunt....

I suppose if you take a traditional view of what a biblical name is, sure. I grew up in non-denominational evangelical circles and, at least in the different churches I grew up in, any name derived from the bible would be considered "biblical". So any of the fruits of the spirit (for example) would qualify, as well

Well...maybe it's a stretch, but joy is biblical, Jordyn is surely a feminization for Jordan (river), and Josie would be a feminization for Josiah. Their name choices are still crap, but the biblical count is probably a little higher than you gave them.

God, if I were one of those kids.... That's a memory you never lose.

Very cool. Although...I don't get some people. I can't imagine being a part of something like that and not completely throwing myself into it. Yet a couple of the people in that video...appear to be a bit less invested then others. :/ Can't imagine having any other thought in my head than "Eff yah, let's DO THIS!"

I feel your pain...but where? There are not very many easy answers. I mean, I suppose if you're truly wealthy, you can find a place...but then America is pretty great too...if you're wealthy. But if you're not...moving to the EU is difficult, and the places which are easier to move have no jobs. And the rest of

Yeah...scary fog is scary. I remember running into some stubborn fog banks in Houston on the Beltway one day. The sun was up, so when you drove into the fog it was just blinding white, no chance to make out dim shades of grey. I tried to slow down a little, but also on your mind is that the cars behind you are

Indeed, I never thought of Texas as particularly progressive in that regard, just assumed that was pretty standard. I'm truly surprised to learn other states are so difficult.

To the old cars/new cars topic: one of my favorite Top Gear segments was Series 5, Ep. 8 where they did a series of three races with racing cars from a couple decades ago against showroom cars of today. It really is amazing how much progress has been made in performance and how that has trickled down to even

A great option, imho. I've entirely moved my workflow over to Darktable. Definitely worth giving a spin

So true. Some of the most difficult girls to teach were former gymnasts b/c they were so conditioned to balance themselves instead of letting you balance them. If they could get over that, they were great, but some of them just couldn't hold still and let you balance them.

every other photo seems to feature traditionally African featured people

I think that's a somewhat narrow definition of friendship. I would agree that the *healthiest* form of friendship would be one where people can tell each other things, even difficult things...but I don't think it is always the case. "Friend" and even "good friend" can mean lots of different things: friendships come

What, pray tell, let you know this post is only talking about people of African descent? Black is not an ethnic group...it's not genetic group...it's a group defined by physical characteristics. That, amongst many other reasons, is why racism is VERY STUPID. But back to the point...if those Polynesian men came to

Are they to be whipped for their "crime"?

You know what that sentence reminds me of? The story about the Cleveland, Texas gang rape with the 11 year old girl. If some people say, "That's just how the country is" about an 8 year old having sex, they sure as hell could be thinking the same thing when they're raping an 11 year old. Sad.