
It's not that difficult to imagine...you don't believe it's actually going to hit until too late? There is someone next to you and you both get knocked over when you run into them trying to escape? the person next to you tried to escape towards you and you escape towards them? Everyone around you is doing one of those

“Right now, I’m pretty bored with all games.”

I tend to think of this instead:

Yeah, I tried to estimate based on lot size yesterday, looked like it took about 1 second for the Lambo to travel the length of one lot, which I pegged at 60 ft, which would give it about a 40mph speed. Very much in line with your estimate. At any rate, I'd give it maybe 50mph on the high end, down to 30mph on the

IANAL...but I'm guessing probably not. It would be up to the judge to decide that, though, I'd think. Taken by itself, the fact that someone else pleads guilty to a crime related to the crime you are accused of isn't evidence of your guilt. Evidence would be their testimony. Otherwise, the only "fact" established

Tbh, it sounds like Sophia is jealous and somewhat insecure. She sees that you have a strongly held view that you're willing to stand up for, and it sounds like she finds that sort of intimidating. And acting out of insecurity, to bolster her self-image, she resorts to trying to turn it against you, to Other you in

No, not an overreaction given that he actually has the eyes and ears of many other 15 year olds. It might be explainable due to his extreme youth, but it's irresponsible as hell and certainly is an opinion that shouldn't go without mentioning and tearing down (via mockery or otherwise). It's not "cool", it's

Yeah, that threw me a bit. I thought "Thanks Obama" was only used in jest...that even if people had once used it in sincerity that it was now universally recognized as parody. Apparently not, though. :/

Since his plea deal is in exchange for cooperating in the prosecution of his teammates, yes, I'd expect so.

I kinda doubt you'd end up on the registry for participating in a cover-up after the fact. You certainly shouldn't, at any rate, if the "reason" for the registry has any truth to it: to help society be aware of what sexual predators might be in the area so they can properly protect themselves. Certainly a criminal,

Dune, by Frank Herbert, published 1965

I fear he's in the wrong country for political success. Should he ever choose to emigrate, however, there are some places where this would be political gold!

A-fucking-men. I went through all the comments, couldn't stop laughing. And what do you know...all the way to the bottom and there was not one single, "Brah, that's hilarious!" The story sucked. These guys suck. But at least humanity was a winner.

100% accurate. It's sad that that's how things stand, but so it is. Texas has zero chance of electing anyone who isn't a hard-core conservative to governor UNTIL it has gone pretty solidly blue. And the legislature will lag the governor's mansion...the extensive gerrymandering in Texas will help ensure that.

For what it's worth, if they molested a series of minors, you probably shouldn't be scared (unless you are a minor or have your own children, in which case yes, you should). One of the interesting things (which I think sex offender registries should better highlight) is that there's a spectrum between situational and

Surely it can't be THAT difficult to figure out the tattoo. I can make out the first 5 words or so...but as someone who only knows the alphabet and a smattering of words, I have no idea what it's saying. I'd imagine it's a quote from something "significant", so a well-read Arabic speaker...or Google...should be able

Thank you. This is the comment I was looking for on this story. It's a travesty that it's still in the grey.

And, what, pray tell, would be the "right" tactics? Make sure to lay spike strips on all the surrounding roads before you light them up from the sky? At least that way the scattering cars don't get very far.... Pretty much ANY police action would result in exactly the situation you descry.

Yes, much better to get nabbed with all your brahs, especially the brah behind you who has nice HD video evidence there with him. Solidarity, brah! Eejuts, this kids....

I've run into the same issue for the same age. Fyi, my mom found some great skirts with built in shorts from Land's End which you can order online, helps give you some other options.