
In fairness to whom? To the well-fed village idiots in the video? Or to the hungry kids who, you know, might actually need to eat to help them function well while getting an education? Which group are we caring to be fair to?

I think it's important to recognize that the teasing due to it being "feminine" and due to it being childish are two different things. If Bronies were, instead, fans of say, Sex In The City (very much a "feminine" show), I don't think they'd be teased for it being childish. They might get teased (which jives with

Check out Kate MacDowell hearts. Not sure whether you can actually find any to buy....

Yes, you're right, those union workers are CLEARLY just trying to take the easy way out. They *could* choose to work hard, but Noooooo, they just wanna laze about with nails driven through their bodies instead. Damn bums, should get off their lazy asses and work a bit!

That is EXACTLY what the clothes of someone sitting on the Iron Throne should look like.

Yes. Standard footwear at Wolfram & Hart, I think.

Maybe he should try bleaching that. I hear lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide work well.

This is my favorite comment. iTunes would certainly be high on my list of apps to frame my music and hang it on the wall to look at. :)

I do. I still love it and the customization. It's great for organizing and playing and even doing metadata editing.

Fun trick of the perspective, how her arm and the red tone across the top of her shirt line up pretty perfectly with the tree line behind the fence. Made me look twice to figure out what was so odd about the picture. Also, yes, I've always thought she was such a bad-ass in her films, nice to know that carries over

No one who hates on iTunes is going to be touting "Windows Music" as the alternative. This isn't some Windows Rulez/Apple Droolz debate. iTunes unusable with large libraries. I tried, I really did, but it simply could not take it. Winamp handles the job with aplomb. Unless you are trying to manage an iOS device

Um, violence in self-defence or protection of others isn't about gender. There's no slippery slope there. The violence used in defence should never grossly exceed what is necessary for defence, but, hypothetically, if a women were to offer violence, say, trying to stab a man or someone else, then yes, she should

Case in point

Yeah, I got pretty quickly hung up on that "never" there.... If it comes to actually protecting yourself or others from harm, let your violent self be violent!

Seems far more complicated than it needs to be. I think he could simplify life for himself and his prospective mates by using this copy instead:

This. I'm not even on the market, but I'd still love some external authority to validate whether I'm interesting and/or quirky! :)

As someone who used to fly Continental quite a lot, and on behalf of lots of customers, let me say, "We are SO sorry you have to work for United. We miss you. :("

This. I was certain as I scrolled down that United was going to be #1. Shocking omission from the list. Really, I can not count how many horror stories I have heard from my friends, 1st hand accounts of TERRIBLE things United has done. Anyone who used to live in a city that was a Continental hub was absolutely

I'm most amazed by #5...that's pretty darn close to some huge flames to be standing around without any protective gear. I'd be hella worried those nice juicy trees right next to me and behind me would go up all quick-like.

Klan's gotta eat, ya' know.