Dave Coleman is always right

Americans refuse to put snow tires on in the winter...

I race an NA Miata and sit 50 feet from the Mazda Motorsports guys, so I know about the bearing issues on the old cars. These are much bigger...

We’ve kicked around a race-spec car that only comes with one seat, no A/C, no carpet, etc., but the guys at the factory couldn’t handle it...

Japan only has a 1.5 liter, so we did add more power for the American market!

Because luxury and sport are directly at odds with each other. The Bilstein suspension isn’t “better” than the GT suspension, it handles better and rides worse. We’ve noticed Miata buyers fall into three broad categories. Those who want a cute convertible (Sport), those who want a little race car (Club), and those who

The inmates are totally running the asylum around here. We have car enthusiasts all the way to the boardroom. That’s really important, because the guys in the trenches can spend their effort trying to figure out how to make cars more fun to drive instead of trying to convince their bosses that they should bother in

It was actually quite a battle just to squeeze the 2.0 in there! Skyactiv engines are built on an unconventional, proportionally-scaled architecture. Instead of makign all the engines the same size and just punching different size bores in the blocks, we scale the whole engine up around an ideal combustion chamber

That’s me!

Left front wheel was dangling off it!

I’ve been asking the same thing...

CX-3 isn’t really an SUV...

I do need to print new cards...

Because developing an all new engine is really expensive and time consuming and the resulting car wouldn’t be the affordable one you love so much. Also, V-engines are inherently more complex.

When gas got expensive, people stopped buying V6s.

We always work with our tire suppliers to develop tires specifically for each car we sell.

We’re at the point where we can make electric power steering feel better than hydraulic. Drive an NC and ND back to back on a twisty road and you’ll get what I’m talking about. Electric power steering has its challenges, but its actually gives me a lot more influence in the steering feel, since it can be dialed in

Thanks for caring about all this silly crap I do!

We have three general specs, Japan, U.S. and Europe. U.S. spec cars generally have the least grip (all-season tires), but the best handling. We tune our cars sharper and more direct than Europe and Japan do.

Diesel will get here. On the wagon, it’s really hard to separate the keyboard buyers from the real buyers to see if there really is a market for them. The original Mazda6 wagon was a great car, unless your job was selling them...

Electric steering doesn’t create feedback, it allows it. The way you make steering feel right is by starting with geometry that creates a strong feedback force through the steering column. Done right, the EPAS system only adds assist to reduce this force to a manageable level. This is why all our cars have unusually