
It’ telling that the people I know who make organizing their career don’t believe that either. It’s complicated but they know that apathy is the general state and that asking people where they were when (insert event here) happened doesn’t do a damn bit of good. Shame is a poor motivator.

Yeah, this. It might mark me as a heretic, but I’m not honestly convinced in the correctness of the Standing Rock crowd. I’m not at all sure that opposing the pipeline and forcing all that oil into trains is the better option. Does that mean I can’t march in support of women’s rights? I’m also not a socialist, I

No. We have to cry like fucking babies because despite everyone getting a cookie, some people only had two raisins in theirs and others had four.

I’ve seen branches of the armed forces treat new recruits more gently than some of these protest movements do. I understand the pain and anger, I do. But when you take someone full of determination, energy, and drive, who’s asking ‘how can I help and what can I do,’ and turn it into hesitance, apology, retreat, and

Yeah, I’m sure those young newly-inspired white women will be sure to show up at every future protest once they realize they’re being judged by everyone else there.

If we don’t have these purity tests to rectify every micro-aggression in order to use the word “unify”, how will we possibly keep ourselves from making any progress?

Why would anyone march against clean burning lamp oil?

Kara Brown isn’t an activist. She is a professional complainer.


Exactly right. And, many of the women there were likely first time marchers, and may never march again- but perhaps they do really cool things in their lives that contribute to society in a big, albeit un-showy way.

Yes, I was making this point earlier. Essentially the march was a massive list-maker....now organizers need to grab these people and activate them. I didn’t march but I am a white woman involved in SURJ and my first point of order is to ask all marched to attending our next SURJ meeting. I think its way more effective

What’s with these purity tests that people on the left require of one another?

I do tend to see a hell of a lot of bitching and yelling at people who are just trying to help though, especially around here.

“I’m a lifelong Dem and I recognize that Republicans have us beat on this”

I am very very concerned about the infighting undermining everything and making these efforts fall apart.

This is not about YOU.

Pretty good showing for unity. It lasted the weekend.

“....the centering of white women in the media and amongst themselves. The notion that the need for protest has “just begun” with the election of Donald Trump, too, was deserving of critique, particularly considering A) the Black Lives Matter and Standing Rock movements of the past several years and B) the entire

Well, they caught him at it one day, and...

I got a response from Richard Nixon when I was twelve (summer of 1974). It was utterly without charm - and he resigned a week later.