
How about pregnant hormonal teenager. That might be a more realistic view.

Thought that was a Klan photo at first. Yikes.

Eyes. I can get antibiotics for an eye infection, but I don’t think I’d ever get over the taste of shit in my mouth.

I was a little too young to follow the OJ case. I was in Jr High and I remember hearing the verdict and seeing it on the news, but like...i was 12 or something.

I gave you a star but gotta say red velvet cake was a thing long before Passions. Not saying your show didn’t make it more popular, but I am *rather* familiar with cake.

Yeah I usually find his movies really funny but didn’t even crack a smile while watching that trailer. Maybe it’s because I’m not stoned though.


I think it’s just easier to pretend Rivers died in a tragic accident shortly after they recorded “Pinkerton”.

Soooooo, who wants to e-stalk this dude and make a website?

Ain’t nobody got time to go to Seattle on a fuckin’ Wednesday! Lol

You know, yes. Women have to be super careful who we send sexy pics to, make sure we really trust that person to be a decent human being even if things between us go sour. Men should have that fear too. If you send to your dick pic to a stranger, don’t be surprised when that stranger decides to publicly share your bad

I know exactly what you mean. Once my dad got to the point in his illness where we knew there was no hope, it was torturous watching him lingering in ever worsening condition. He was always a proud man, and being every bit his daughter, I felt terrible imagining how he felt having to be taken care of and unable to

It would be neat if a scholarship could be set up for disadvantaged youths to be able to study music (and buy instruments).

Bowie’s son is 44, a year younger than I. Neither of us is “pushing 50" thankyouverymuch! ;-)

Yeah, but the son’s also twenty-nine years older than she is.

After Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, that affluenza kid, Bieber, etc, I’m kind of applauding this decision.

I disagree. I think a lot of men actually don’t care that much about their wives or girlfriends (sad but true), but wouldn’t want their mother to know that they’re engaging in gross sexual harassment of a stranger. I think “telling on” a man to his mother is the ultimate way to get through to this kind of guy. Very

I don’t see it that way. I would want to know if any of my relatives where sexually harassing women online so that I could stop any contact with them. Tolerance of misogyny is just as troubling as the act. I stopped speaking to my aunt and cousins after she tried get me to stop called out my cousin on his misogyny.

but honestly, what stops a man from going into the ladies room? there’s nothing that keeps them out besides a stick figure on the door.