
Heh. You would need to dispense with the idea that you would have a pet *at your side* and accept that you will have a seventeen-pound kitty on your chest shoving his bulk under your chin (it’s always interesting to attempt to watch movies over him) while shedding his undercoat directly up your nose and a second

Friday nights are my usual decompression nights, and those usually involve one of those horrible frozen pizzas in the red boxes (the more stressed-out I am, the crappier the food has to be), horror movies, and weed (thanks, Measure 91!). I’ve been on vacation all week, though, plus it's Saturday, so tonight is

I’m in the hunt for the perfect tangerine blush! There was this episode of Stitchers (ridiculous show, great for turning your brain off) where all three of the women had on fantastic orange blush, and I’ve been on the hunt for just the right shade for me ever since. It's hard, though, because peach seems to be the

I didn’t find foundation pale enough for me until I discovered Korean bb cream. Missha Perfect Cover in #21, to be precise. They even have another shade paler than that (#13). It *has* to be Korean, though, or at least Asian-made.

I just kind of randomly happened to hit play on it on HBO Go. Best “well, I already started it, so I might as well watch it” of my life.

Long form music video, although movies (like documentaries about backup singers or Amy Winehouse) can go in that category, too.

Once the phrase “sheiks in the Middle East” enters the conversation, there is no other conclusion I can draw, regardless of circumstance.

His bands always remind me of Sly and the Family Stone: Your race or gender don’t matter. Can you play? Can you get asses out of seats and feet on the dance floor? Those are the only things that matter.

It was pretty popular here in cans and bottles when I was growing up (it was my parents’ compromise brand during the ‘70s and ‘80s), so I kind of think it might be more GenX nostalgia driving the move into restaurants/bars/theatres than anything else since I started seeing that in the ‘90s (when the older portion of

I don’t drink soda often, but when I do, Diet Rite is my go-to! No sugar, no sodium, and no caffeine. Love it. There are a surprising number of establishments in my town that serve RC products, including one of my favorite movie theatres. Then again, it *is* pretty much *the* hipster cola brand, and this *is* PDX, so

I confess that I did freak out and report when I saw a guy in our women’s restroom at work, but that was mainly because we had a floor to ourselves at the time, and I didn’t know who he was. He shouldn’t have been on our *floor*, nevermind our restrooms — men’s *or* women’s. I got the same way when I saw a woman I

My downstairs neighbor is my aunt’s best friend, and my aunt lives about ten miles away, and I am *still* convinced that this is a very strong possibility. I would probably only be found after the cats’ litterbox becomes so overwhelmingly shitastic that he bitches about the stench to her until she or the landlord

I still cannot believe how much I love this movie! I wasn’t going to bother with it until I was bored one night when it was getting ready to expire from HBO. No one told me that the entire point of the movie was revenge for the murder of his puppy! I am *still* kicking myself for not seeing it sooner. The vengeance

ATMs are the precise reason I’m thrilled about this news! I had been hoping that whoever it was would go on the twenty even before the musical happened.

Totally misread that first paragraph and thought it was talking about the Queen Latifah/Jimmy Fallon Taxi. Because, yes, I can *absolutely* see either one or both of these as a rehashed take on that, and it would absolutely be a race to see which one can be the worst the quickest.

Come to Oregon where we have that IN THE SAME STATE.

I know why I feel like Willie Nelson has a right to this: He’s spent a *huge* chunk of his career advocating for farmers and weed. It’s almost like he’s focused his visible energy on these two causes because he’s been subconsciously positioning himself to enter the market once it becomes legal. Realistically, he’s too

This week’s highlights:

It is clearly a reference to Mikaila Ulmer’s BeeSweet Lemonade. Or at least this is the most obvious thing to me.

I like to think that her hobbies are super scandalous, and she is fully aware that naming them on national — nay, *inter*national — tv would result in Bad Things, so she quickly flipped through her mental Rolodex for Acceptable Librarian Stereotypes and came up with these. In real life, she keeps bees (my brother as