
I liked this movie but I have seen some people calling it the best on the MCU and I respectfully disagree. I think that title still goes to the Winter Soldier. JMO. I'd rank this around 4th.

Oh, thanks. At least that makes sense. I avoided reading the reviews in detail and only looked at the grades themselves since I haven't watched this yet. Now I''m curious to see whatever climax happens in the end.

Huh. I haven't watched this particular episode yet but the wide gap of critique between this and IGN's is making me curious. The episode got a C here but a very high 9.5 there.

Geez. I thought this was a pretty superb episode filled with some spectacular action, up until that terrible ending. Just UGH at Kendra. She didn't deliver that finishing blow for the sake of a man she barely even knew in her lifetime? That Carter wasn't even the one she knew, for crying out loud. And I refuse to

"They didn't even scratch the surface of what she could have been on this show"

Okay, so I enjoyed the episode last week but for some reason this episode left me infuriated. I kind of knew this was coming, but her death was just so wretchedly mishandled that it left me the wrong impression. I never really hated Laurel as much as the others (even during her lowest point in season 2). and I kept

Not that particular statement, but in my opinion she has sensibly replied to your comments. Others have said way, way worse (even personally attacking you in the extent, which I do not approve of) And to be quite honest, her tone in commenting is actually similar to yours so it's all fair.

I don't hate you as much as some of the others here, but the particular poster (emeraude) wasn't really attacking you or anything. I think she was actually making some valid arguments about your statements (I have seen her responses in tvbtn too). People have said worse about you so I was shocked to see you react like

OH MY GOD. I fckn enjoyed this. Best episode of the season by a mile.

Doubt it. She's already on LOT and I think her being the White Canary is already solidly established in the Arrowverse.

Same sentiments. However, if Laurel dies next week, I think I'll just resort back to getting pissed. I'm not a big fan of her character whatsoever but she IS still the Black Canary, and this show is about the Green Arrow. Her presence is pivotal.

Holy crap, I actually liked that episode? It's been way too long since I said that so good on you, Arrow.

LOL this is pretty pathetic. You're one to speak about credibility when you barely have one since no one takes your Flash rantings seriously. At least those you mentioned actually watch the show, which makes their opinion actually more warranted than yours.

Huh. This was actually one of my favorite episodes of the season. IMO it deserves higher than a B grade. Season 2 has been quite inconsistent and at times pitifully dragging so it delights me to have episodes like these. Lots of fun and throwbacks to my beloved S1.

Also the "Been there, it sucks" comment of Barry when Winn mentioned the "earth-where-all-is-evil" made me realize that he was probably referring to Earth 2 where Cisco and Caitlin are both villains. Heh.

That was so fluffy and cheesy and campy and I absolutely loved it. Melissa and Grant's chemistry is insane.

This is so painful. I don't expect Arrow to return to its S2 glory, but I feel like they're not even trying anymore. The characters are so poorly written you'd never even think these were the same characters we loved two seasons ago (especially Felicity). What makes it more painful is that the first few eps of this

I completely agree about this episode being somewhat "off". The dialogue was downright atrocious, save for Cisco's few lines and the Beyonce/Kanye references.

I may be in the minority but I thought that this episode was kind of a mess. The Iris and Wells subplots were a total snooze. Trajectory was good enough, and I liked how they used her to advance the zoom reveal, but most of the other parts were meh.

Well alright, at least you know you are one. Heh. And to be completely honest and fair, I actually agree with some of those aspects you mentioned. Save for the earth 2 episodes, I think most of the episodes of TF this season has been pretty much subpar with cringe-worthy dialogue and lazy storytelling, which is a