
Without a doubt my favorite show on television right now. Never disappoints. Gina Rodriguez continues to be amazing.

That was one of my major problems as well. 3/4 horsemen didn't have any character AT ALL. Apocalypse was like "Okay, Magneto has to be here. I'll just pick out three other random people to reach my quota." Psylocke, especially, was void of any characterization.

It had some good, commendable elements but IMO it was overshadowed by the bad. The supposedly all-mighty villain wasn't as terrifying as he should have been. He came off, to me at least, as very whiny and insecure. The horsemen (except magneto) had about less than ten lines each. They were so underdeveloped. Add to

Rip was all blabber-with-no-sense in this episode. I didn't get the logic behind most of the words coming out of his mouth.

If we acknowledge Cold as Leonard "Robber of ATMs" Snart, then I think we can call Heatwave Mick "Hungry for Chickens" Rory. That line with the Hawks was so hilarious I almost spat my drink out.

Sans the Smoak drama, it was another solid episode for me. The stunts and the actions scenes seem to be getting better, at least when put in comparison to some of the earlier episodes this season. Donna's inconsistent, hypocritical character is starting to irk though. I liked her better when she was simply a comic

I'm trying to start a healthy discussion with you so the least you can do is be respectful.

"Why wouldn't I watch the promo?"

LOVED this ep. I think all the subplots worked together nicely and Wally was less annoying than he usually is. The character death also had a substantial impact, IMO. The show has had a pretty inconsistent season with a mix of "meh" episodes but this was one of the better ones. Pretty stoked for the finale next week.

Hm. For someone who claims to despise the show, you seem to know a lot about it (you even watched the promo for next week, I might add.) Just curious, do you continuously watch it just so you can spit shit on it or you just assume every episode to be horrible?

During the episode I kept thinking, "Stop going to his cell you know it's not going to end well!" and well, several of them did just that (repeatedly). It was excruciating to watch.

Same sentiments. I love most of the cast and get ecstatic when the show shows signs that it can fulfill its potential (see: the Left Behind episode). But then episodes like this come along and I go back to thinking "Too bad, these characters could have been awesome." Sigh.

Totally agree with this review. Most of the characters were making unbearably stupid decisions this episode to the point that I was already face-palming myself. The Ray-Kendra-Carter subplot continues to be as exciting as watching paint dry.

I thought the flashbacks during the first two seasons were enjoyable enough. I liked the whole Ivo-Mirakuru plot during season 2 and the narrative on how Slade become the big bad. However, I agree that S3's HK flashbacks were so exaggeratedly dragged to the point that I was already flash-forwarding through the scenes.

You'd think they would have learned their lesson by now. Leave the city during May, people!

I agree. Although I haven't seen that brief yellow-eyes flashback before so it just means we will be getting more future flashbacks leading to how that particular situation happened. Which I don't really care about anymore. Sigh.

That was by far the best episode in a long time. I don't even remember how long. It made me think "Wow that was pretty awesome" instead of my usual "Meh" or "I liked it well enough." Darhk's eventual plan sounds downright terrifying.

Hi there! We almost have the same list. If I were to rank my top 3 picks it would be

One of my favorite episodes of the season. So much fun and there was actually some additional insight given to the whole Mutter plot.

So I finally watched this episode and I'm conflicted. There were several pointless aspects and unnecessary conflict: Iris' sudden confession that came out of nowhere, for one. Also what was the point of Henry being there? WTF? The whole thing with Dante and Rupture was also meh.