
1.)I particularly don’t agree with this review either and thought that the episode was on a B minus level, but saying that the grade was paid for is, IMO, stretching it too far. If you expected him to hate those aspects that you mentioned, yet he didn’t, it doesn’t automatically mean that he is completely incapable of

I'm sorry but the hypocrisy you show towards these reviewers is getting irksome. You slam Scott and call his reviews "paid for" for praising a show that you hate yet you label Kayla a hater for giving HTGAWM low grades (which I think it deserves, it has been a mess this season).

No offense, but I think people would get less annoyed by you and actually respect your opinions/rants/etc if you ACTUALLY watch the shows that you are harping on. Saying something is horrible based on pure instinct/hatred is pretty much nonsensical.

My favorite character in this show is most definitely Petra. She's so horribly unlucky that I find myself rooting for her to obtain some deserved happiness.

This album is freaking impressive in my opinion, and this is from someone who didn't care for them when they were at their peak (during the 2nd and 3rd albums). I only found 2-3 songs on the album to be duds (including the painfully bland Perfect). Loved the apparent throwback influence of the record, with hints of