
Khal Drogo is Aquaman Khal Drogo's Worst Nightmare now

Actions speak louder than words? Respect me in how you treat me (and I WILL measure that against how you treat others; the man who treats me well because he treats people well is impressing me a lot more than the man who treats me well but treats other people horribly), and then you can tell me about your ideological

My husband is a feminist in the sense that he:

1) understands and agrees with why I'm willing to identify as a lesbian according to Marilyn Frye's definition.
2) has never questioned his own gender identification as male but completely understands why I consider myself willing to transverse male and female

Now I know that all I ever wanted, all I ever needed Is a Corgi named Trogdor.

I'd like to shake your hand.

It's possible to be direct in a way that protects people's emotions. There's a big difference between saying "You are a rude person" and "When you do _____, it bothers me." People are more likely to respond positively to a statement you make about yourself than a claim you make about them.

I think it's important to note that there are more than two ways of responding to conflict. Your choices are not between just being angry at someone openly and expressively, and being passive-aggressive. Being passive-aggressive is still being aggressive.

Notes can be a helpful way to communicate in a conflict

I had such a similar experience. I watched tons of TNG as a little little kid but then moved on to Voyager when I was hitting late elementary school, early middle school. When I watched TNG, Picard reminded me of my dad, my hero. But Janeway reminded me of me. She had the same name as me (not Janeway, but Kathryn) and


She's going to bite his hand off.


That's what we say too! Snuzzlers unite!

BREAKING NEWS: "Noted Feminazi Adultosaur claims in a mostly direct quote, 'i would kill... her... on the daily show.' Feminists would literally murder American citizens in the Colosseum of the liberal media if they had their way. Protect yourself; have some guns."

YES. I love that book.

I saw that too. It made me sick.

Sorry, didn't really put the dots together about you hanging around violent Internet people + doxxing your work = maybe not so safe. I was clearly tired and needed another cup of coffee. Didn't mean to put you on the spot!

So I just found his description of his life (I can't stop googling) and all the ways he's been a victim of the Illuminati, the Nazis, the guv'ment, and women:

Interesting. Other posts seem too indicate a tenuous grasp on reality - thinking he's talked to aliens, the government is watching him, etc. I wonder what the definition is in German courts (where he lives now) or Australian courts (I think his location when he posted these letters).

Thanks for your thoughts. What you say makes a lot of sense to me and I (as a woman and a citizen) appreciate your dedication to documentation and watchfulness. I sincerely hope we never need to look back and say,"Why didn't we see this coming?"

I'm so sorry. That's a lot to live with you for you and for his father. For him too. Mental illness sucks. I had an uncle who struggled with severe mental illness and while it did not help him treat people well (including an ex-wife and two kids) at all, it was always a struggle to figure out how to balance loving him