Eyeball Kid

This article is fucking confusing. So you make him look to be innocent by bringing up all the shark dragging shit, but then, fucking Hitchcock twist time, he is actually guilty of killing a protected shark? So he's worthy of boycott, just not for the more recently newsworthy reason?

O dam. I only saw those around Christmas as Gingerbread Twix, maybe two years ago. They were right there with Holiday mint Kit-Kats for candy bars that should be there always.

Got some right here in the vending machine at work, though I think they're past their date. Plus at some point they cheaped out and stopped making the cookie chocolate and just made it a regular Twix cookie.

I think it grew out of hip hop slang, where it got used a lot because it's an easy rhyme. But it just sounds dehumanizing and gross. I always noticed it after Judge Marian Millian on The People's Court yelled at some defendant for saying it. "They aren't cattle. Use 'woman' or 'lady' in my courtroom."

The familiarity of the LW with the intimacies of their daughters sex lives implies, based on typical family dynamics, that it would be a mother writing, I'd reckon. The first LW is definitely a toss-up, the third I'd lean more towards a mother because of her knowledge of the daughter's IUD.

It's much easier to truck celebrities from Hollywood down the road to San Diego for a few hours than it is to fly them to Chicago, I'd reckon.

The sax solo in the extended version of "Ghost Town" by The Specials.

Cool, let's encourage places not to have anything my autistic kids are willing to eat. Based on demographics, a kid with autism will be seated at a family restaurant every single night at least once. And it's a common trait with many autistic kids that they're unwilling to try anything that isn't familiar. Any

McIntyre maybe

I hoped immediately to comment that one of those hologram shows would be cool for Gorillaz; the article beat me to it. But seriously, how cool would that be? A live action cartoon? They say those holograms look really realistic up close.

When did "based on" formally become "based off"? It sounds jarring. I also notice in music pieces, it's often "off the album" instead of "from the album". Sounds incredibly informal to me.

Asthma and psychosis are pre-existing conditions to which weed would be contraindicated. The marijuana itself has never been shown in studies to cause those symptoms in someone who doesn't already have those conditions, so they aren't considered side effects.

There's always the legal end run around it by making you agree to random tests as a condition of employment, anyway.

Different substances affect different people with different tolerances and different brain chemistry differently. It works for those folks. Or even if it's all placebo effect, at least weed doesn't have any harmful side effects.

I once hung out with a girl with a fantastic mattress. I slept like a baby at her house. We never really hit it off so I only slept there maybe three times, and I don't really remember much about her herself, but I think fondly of that bed regularly.

Whoa….great comparison.

Idaho. It would have offended them too but they didn't have any theaters to show it,

Bingo. Home video was in its infancy here; once you had kids watching movies in video stores all the time, the appreciation for cheese and grit would magnify. Your Russ Meyer types didn't get looked at as noteworthy until years later.

Well The Incredibles is just a sanitized version of Watchmen, so neither of you are that original.

I actually noticed that when I watched Fast Times for the first time recently (I know. j don't know what took me so long either.) I remember last year a big deal was made about You're The Worst having an abortion subplot where Lindsay wasn't upset at all about it and that being revelatory. Then I find out they did it