Eyeball Kid

It's where you threaten to go to the papers and reveal that your partner likes to have sex while imitating Charles Bronson.

I sympathize with the third LW. I have a friend who i know is just dumb as a tree stump, sheltered by small town life, and had his viewpoint skewed by the military. I know he doesn't know shit about what he's actually talking about with his Trump support. He thinks he can go on social media and just make shit up like

Olivia Tremor CONTROL yourself!

It was just Slowpoke Rodriguez being drunk and lazy.

Yeah I meant to specify that they give him awards but the point stands regardless.

That "which one of us is a monster" line from AoU is kind of infuriating because it's so clumsily done. Obviously Widow's point was, all the people she'd killed and things she'd done make her the monster. They could have just added one line of chuffa to space out the "i was sterilized" and "I'm a monster" stuff so

Hollywood still gives work to actual sexual predators like Woody Allen and Roman Polanski. Being a hypocrite and a cheater won't have any effect on Whedon's career.

Proper noun! Proper nouns ain't bout shit.

It's worse with British accents. I love You're the Worst but it has a supposed family with Cockney, posh, Northern, and I don't know what.

There's maybe an argument that one letter grade is the distance between films that appeal to critics and crowdpleasers, in one direction or the other.

Hopefully this stays on Hulu throughout this season. I know FX is doing their own streaming service but I hope I'm not gonna be jumping through any hoops to watch this.

Liked for Jackie Brown getting the credit it's due. Disliked because who in the fuck you think you're trying to impress saying Face/Off is better than fucking Boogie Nights, fuck outta here.

You'd think you'd like the show better, being the real life version of Upchuck.

What I loved about Daria was that it wasn't just a one-sided "smart girl hates on everyone" thing. Daria didn't hate everyone, she just kept a wary distance. She was more or less friends with Britney and Kevin, and she definitely would have kept touch with Jodie into adulthood. I loved the Jodie character because she

They probably started writing it before Fury Road came out.

But Tishiro hits on a valid point: for some reason every time a comedy aimed at middle class African-Americans does well, it's treated like a big surprise. It shouldn't be by this point. Tyler Perry pretty well proved that it's a lucrative market, it speaks volumes of the ingrained racism in the industry and our

Comedies don't generally even run in foreign markets because humor isn't universal and doesn't generally translate well. I doubt those movies ever play in China or India at all.

Yeah but him and his friend whose name I forget made up.

Cool story bro. Tell it again.

The article seemed to indicate this particular hammerhead is on Threatened status.