Eyeball Kid

He's really not treading extremely different ground, although Sam is a little more self assured and aggressive than TV-Marc. But I think the major difference is just that the writing on GLOW is better.

I didn't even recognize that. The only Exodus I know well and like is Mr. Perfect's theme.

Have Jenny get into it by trying to research her character and watch some Joshi and go from there.

He was never great but for those cookie cutter Steve Keirn FCW trainees he had a few good moves at his disposal. He wasn't reinventing the wheel doing a TKO or a Michinoku Driver but at least it wasn't another guy doing a uranage or Flatliner, yknow?

Not for an All-American apple pie babyface. Maybe for Melrose.

It's actually kinda crazy no one in the big companies really tried to do that in the 80s. Your big faces were cartoon strongman superheroes like Hogan, Warrior, and Sting. The closest to that "everyman" character was Dusty Rhodes but he wasn't much like Bon Jovi or Bruce. Someone like Terry Taylor or even Tom Zenk

And realistically, can anyone name any Olympians besides Phelps, Lochte, and Bolt? It's not like it's a ticket to fame and fortune.

Very much so. Later in the show they're doing moves you wouldn't see in the US until the late 90s.

Someone alert Jim Cornette about this.

Someone else is doing that? I complained long ago that clips from Oliver don't constitute "news" pieces. But a thing like this qualifies because it's informative beyond just "Check out John Oliver." More of this instead please.

So wait, is he supposed to have been bitten by the radioactive spider here? I thought in this one he built web-shooters himself. Kinda like a junior Iron Man, the suit is the hero moreso than the guy inside.

He kinda does a less warm and friendly version of it, from the trailers: "If you're nothing without the suit, you shouldn't have it." Basically saying the same thing, only not in the affirmative.

I don't know if it's one of the worst because there's been so many bad ones but thank you, Spider-Man 2 is so overrated. Yes, great, Alfred Molina can act, that's no surprise. It doesn't change the fact that Maguire is a hollow mannequin, Dunst wasn't fully in her element, Franco sucks at seriousness, and Raimi does

Hannibal's podcast is one of the best going right now. Laid back stoner conversations and improvisational theremin music? It's fantastic. Handsome Rambler. Get you some.

In this context we didn't get the full range of information though. Creepy in what ways? If it's forceful and unwanted advances that are ignoring the rejections, that's something that needs to be stopped by the whole community. If it's just that the LW thinks their kinks are icky, she's judgmental.

They only have rights to the name though, hence why Maron isn't just playing McClane.

Not WWE, which is functionally what matters. David McClane carnied a bunch of people so there's a lot of rights issues involving G.L.O.W. and W.O.W.

The real G.L.O.W. was all people who didn't really "get" wrestling though.

She's been on the wrestling beat here and elsewhere for ages. I was very glad to see she'd be reviewing this show.

The trailer looked cool but I didn't really know what i was looking at; this sounds like it's firmly in Must Watch territory now.