Eyeball Kid

They didn't necessarily know when that video was from.

They didn't know Piscatella was in there. He had no official role in the riot, they probably assumed he went home, as he was not actually on duty nor necessary for their perimeter detail.

This season had flaws, for sure, but it had a lot of strengths too. I feel like finally confronting Piscatella and coming to terms with the humanity of the inmates is as big a victory as they were going to get regarding him. I dont know how the next two seasons will end up but I can't imagine there would be zero

Not a doctor but the DVD trivia track says no, it wouldn't work.

I just assume they left the opening credits as is for the season and, since they intend on bringing Healy back, just gave him the credit as a sign of good faith.

They doled the F is For Family ones out every other day and by the time I caught up to the reviews I'd forgotten what happened on the show. I'm definitely a fan of this method, but then I'm about a week down.

Living near a few Amish communities and hearing bits and pieces about them, I can safely say that many Amish don't follow the rules very strictly. A lot of them do contracting/carpentry work on the side and use power tools and radios on those jobsites, just not in their own communities. That's allowed or at least

Some of the emotion, raw acting, and situations this season have been top notch but the tonal mistakes are just unforgivable. That music montage was just asinine, and the use of slapstick comedy in the midst of tense dramatic scenes is just killing the vibe. Plus this season is more dramatic and pulpy than most. Idk.

Yes. If you look at a lot of early skinheads in the 2-tone era in the UK, they're wearing Trojan Records jackets and it's not all white people. It was co-opted by right wing white supremacists associated with football hooliganism and morphed into the American neo-Nazi version we have today. In ska and oi it's "bone

I guess it's not ever used but somehow it stuck in my head early that Red's name is Galina Reznikov so i knew right away who she was. They could have done more though.

Ok I totally missed that, my girlfriend started singing "skies are gray" and I didn't know what she was talking about. I immediately heard All Along The Watchtower, which I think is basically the same chord progression.

That sounds right up my alley, thanks! I don't know if he snugly fits in the genre but some of Jonathan Lethem's early work seems similar, especially Gun with Occasional Music and Amnesia Moon.

I love Kev but I don't believe anything he says regarding film projects until the fucking thing is in a theater. He announces every idea that dances through his head like it's a done deal.

I'm intrigued. Any good examples of Bizarro lit I should seek out?

This was my first new Tarantino movie (collectively, Kill Bill is one movie in my mind) after becoming a fanatic with the releases of his dvds and the treasure trove of information therein. He arguably never got to these heights again (Basterds and Django were great in their own way but they didn't feel as deliberate

Definitely a reference

I figured. At least it's a meaty role, she wasn't just one of the semi-anonymous murderesses.

Who'd she play???

They'd previously established Janae as having a bright future with a possible track scholarship (and was based on a similar character in the source book) and she's the most volatile and emotional of the group so I bought that.

I can agree with that, but, I think he needs to take one step at a time. Holding out for someone who isn't coming along anytime soon that will be fulfilling for him is causing damage in the meantime, as his anxiety seems to be compounding. A situation where the pressure is off him to perform for someone would help