Eyeball Kid

You're not wrong about the sex therapist, but I think you misunderstand regarding the sex worker. Precisely because they're professionals only in it for the money, is why a good one would be more warm and inviting than a potential sex partner that is seeking something for their own interests. A good salesperson sees

I know I'm too late for Myles's reviews but, can i start a thing to stop referring to Helen and, uhhh, the other one as "skinheads"? Skinhead being used to define neo-Nazis is a really gross example of cultural appropriation, where a social trend built around racial inclusiveness and appreciation of Jamaican ska was

It's a real fuzzy timeline but I actually don't think it's meant to have been more than a few hours since the riot. Caputo's speech would have gone out for the 5 o'clock news and it was only slightly past dinner time by the end.

I find that when Piper isn't front and center in all storylines she's actually a much more interesting character. She's resigned herself to her fate and embraced her place as a damaged individual whose life has narrowed to a prison bunk and her girlfriend, and some painful memories.

May I presume you weren't raised by drug dealers in a crime-heavy community where you were left to fend for yourself? In Daya's world, I'd imagine, you pick up a loose gun so it doesn't end up pointed at you.

In the timeline as the show presents it, it should have, as Boo lost all that weight last season but, excuse the insensitivity, appears to have gained most of it back in what would be a week in the show's timeline.

Stanhope has a pilot in limbo somewhere although I think it's just like some kind of weird sketch thing. Johnny Depp produced it so that, uh, could be bad or good. Seems unlikely to take off at this point.

Haley Joel Osment turned into Action Bronson on us.

I've made this before but I'm fixing the steak just as a regular marinade & sauce, and grilling it tonight. I'm pretty damn excited.

Even just being at one of the Nighthawks at the Diner recordings. I'd also have loved to have seen any of the Big Time tour. Or really anything if Marc Ribot is with him on guitar.

Grateful Dead, Cornell, 77.

And then killed them after!

They're wherever Chang and Norma were last season.

I remember that apparently the whole season is only covering three days this year.

Smokey needs to always be on this show, and somehow interact with Bob Pogo. They are the best side characters. Them and TJ Miller's sketchy paper guy. I'd totally be all in on a spinoff where those three work together.

I can see that she's pissed if he won't fuck her but blows his loads masturbating, but she seems pretty aggressive and clueless about the underlying cause there. Obviously homie isn't comfortable with their sex life in the bedroom.


This movie is great simply because it's SO completely ridiculous but it never gets cutesy or ironic. These guys are all trying to be cool and badass, they're just doing it through some bugfuck outlandish characters in a ridiculous plot. If they made this now they'd probably lean too hard on the silliness or they'd

That's exactly the comparison i made before. It also maybe feels like it's cast with pro wrestling characters; all macho gimmicks with names and catchphrases.

I meant to pick a few up but kids n shit.