Eyeball Kid

He will fight for his vision beyond what most producers would consider reasonable, so his shows get less meddling.

This happened just up the road from me; Stiller was up here a few times and may have been scouting for real locations (oddly, Paul Dano did a movie called For Ellen here just a few years ago). My dad actually used to carpool with Joyce Mitchell's sister in law.

I watched two seasons of this and just now realized the daughter has the same name as my mother.


The jokes in this show are good but every premise and gag has been done a thousand times before. Also, i was bummed out to see they're still doing the "Kevin is actually a big crybaby" thing, since they still have him acting tough the rest of the time. It's just tedious.

I feel ALONE's pain so fucking much. I have friends who consider themselves "readers" and it's nothing but Harry Potter, fantasy dogshit, and Stephen King. I get that Potter means a lot to people who grew up with it but seriously. It's a bunch of kids books that came out after i was already grown. It's exhausting.

And no worries, thank you for sharing that. I'm glad the story is getting told.

Well. I moved back to my hometown, where the movie Frozen River was set. So not really. Just a lateral move of poverty.

Man, I'm choking back tears reading that, it brings back so many memories. I worked at Old Town, and for a while lived in Indian Wells. I'd walk to work just a block up from the Xanadu motel (across from the old Boo), and pass by the strip with the helicopter rides that article mentions. The "Bama" described in that

I lived just around the corner from that wizard and worked nearby at Old Town. Dozens of people i worked with when they still had the amusement rides there would live in cheap motel rooms like this, sometimes with 6-7 people sleeping on every bare patch of floor. Florida has no social services to speak of and

A. It was Nate Mendel who knew the people in that group.

For Georgie just being "that guy from down the block who has drums", Watt's stayed pretty loyal to him.

Depp and Heard were still together when this one started filming, so it had nothing to do with the wifebeater angle.

My theory regarding the recent critical reappraisal of the Dead is, in the last decade or so you've seen a strong resurgence of folk (Decemberists, Mumfords, etc), soul (Alabama Shakes, Lake Street Dive, etc.), psychedelia (Tame Impala, Deerhunter, etc.) and Southern-inflected alt rock (My Morning Jacket, Dr. Dog,

I love that analogy, spot on.

Blech. That sounds sadly right.

I just finished it half an hour ago!

Just finally caught up to this now. I think that a showdown between Malvo and Molly would have been satisfying but also, in the end, it was Gus's failure to stand up to evil in the form of Malvo that needed paying off. What the real travesty is, is that Molly wasn't involved in taking Lester down. Lester escaped and

If the ladies room doesn't have a desk and a tampon dispenser filled with cigars then no buys.

That's the one i shared this morning. Such a gorgeous track.