Eyeball Kid

There's an answer for this: you have bad taste.

Somewhat. She did similar set-ups to Patrice O'Neal's bits about fucked up sex positions but they weren't exactly the same and weren't supposed to have been original. There was one sketch in her Comedy Central show ripped directly from a College Humor video and one from a Kathleen Madigan bit, but people blaming her

He also might not have been trusted to show up every day, from what I understand.

I think it all sparked from the joke theft accusations more than anything, which is maybe halfway unfair to her since it erroneously presumes she's writing every episode of her show. But her older racist jokes and her association with Kurt Metzger and Lena Dunham don't earn her many fans.

That's not what it's all about though. It's a dark joke from the era of her career where she was more blatantly borrowing from Sarah Silverman (and I think that joke was around earlier than 2015 in fact), but I don't think that's what drives the backlash.

They're not really different.

I'd say this season has actually been an improvement over recent years but this episode was donkey jizz.

As of two seasons ago they've finally began outsourcing the writing. Most of the meat of the show is improv anyway.

I dropped all my honors classes sophomore year after realizing my friends in regular classes were learning the same material at the same rate, only with less homework.

Why i read your comment when I'm not done the first season, i don't know.

I love Dennis but it might actually be interesting to see what the dynamic of Paddy's is without him. Not that he's the voice of "reason" but he's usually the least flighty of the group; it'd be interesting to see what the rest do without him there to tell them they're being stupid.

Meanwhile I can only think of maybe once that Taffee liked the food on Bar Rescue.

I like the jazzy, Dead inspired elements of his music but he could afford to drop some of the synthy chillwave elements that just layer in repetition. It's an interesting move artistically but he could probably push it further if he just links up with some good players and lets it cook.

Cue the underrated Weird Al original "I'll Mellow Out When I'm Dead".


It's rare that i lament things starting on the East Coast but that's WAYYYYYY the fuck too soon for me to schlep to Boston or NYC. I might have to coerce some of my Floridians to hit it up in Orlando.

I'm surprised by this, I'd always thought Jim Ward was the grounding influence in keeping Cedric and Omar rooted in post-punk rather than flying off in experimental directions. But, maybe reclaiming the ATDI name was a conscious effort on their part to try to do emo; otherwise it may have just been Mars Volta or a


Either you're doing a bit or missing my point. The coffee hasn't kicked in yet and I can't tell.

I've never been so lucky that I went through my only, to date, trim phase around 13-15 and was spared Fat Bastard jokes.